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Watercolor Wednesday

Allow me to present my first photo from the Waterlogue app. Of course it’s tulips.

watercolor tulips for carole knits

What else could it be the day after the epic Blizzard of 2015?

So . . . about that blizzard . . . it started snowing Monday afternoon and when I went to bed last night it was still snowing. The totals are hard to measure since there was so much blowing and drifting but I think it’s safe to say we got over 2 feet. We never lost power, for which I am extremely grateful. Dale and I both had a snow day yesterday and another one today, for which I am also extremely grateful. I spent the day reading, knitting, playing Blizzard TV Bingo during the all-day-long newscast, listening to music, watching Dale shovel, watching Dale paint shelves, baking homemade bread and rolls, making chicken and rice soup, and binge watching episodes of Orange is the New Black.

Today shall be more of the same but I have a sinking feeling it will also include actual shoveling, not just watching Dale shovel. Damn.

Comments (14)

  1. glad to hear you’re thriving with all that snow! I chuckled about the Bingo… what a great idea! I’m sorry about the shoveling; hope it goes quickly (and that you celebrate with a delicious and alcoholic treat once it’s done!)

  2. As long as you’re safe about it, shoveling is excellent cardio, safely done in bursts of energy and optimism. Wear you’re Fitbit and be thrilled by the numbers. Stay warm.

  3. Snow days, oh how I miss you! We haven’t seen a snow day in years and years. It feels as if we haven’t seen snow and years and years! Enjoy the snow for me!

  4. Glad to hear that you fared reasonably well – not losing power is a big plus. We only got about half of what you did, but I spent many hours shoveling on Monday and Tuesday. It burns 408 calories/hour, which is also a big plus!

  5. No snow day up here, although we ended up with about 18 inches when I work up this morning. It was nice to have the day off yesterday. Thankfully the snow is light and fluffy. 🙂

  6. Yay! You missed the extensive MA power outages. The watercolor app looks like so much fun–gotta try it!

  7. Also kept our power – yay! Slogging through the storm out to the barn, in the dark, to start up the generator is no fun. But better than freezing our pipes. Monday was heavy duty prep-for-the-storm day, and today was shoveling day. But the inbetween day, Tuesday, was delightfully lazy and perfect for knitting.

  8. I think you got more than we did. I’m guessing around 18 inches was our total. The drifts are ridiculous. I liked the Bingo idea. After a while I couldn’t take listening to it anymore. It’s snowing, we are stuck inside, we get it – what else is there to say? Hope you enjoyed your second snow day!

  9. Love the tulips – reminds me of spring on this sunny but cold post-blizzard day! Hate the shoveling, but the snow is truly beautiful! I hope to get some cross country skiing in tomorrow along a large park complex that runs along the ocean – magnificent scenery!

    Don’t you just love to make soup and bake bread on a snow day? They’re indescribably delicious!

  10. We haven’t even been close to a Snow Day this year! It sounds like you made the best of it. Love the Blizzard Bingo idea… I found some fun Packers Bingo cards and played a few times early in the season. A favorite was: Clay Matthews flips his hair. Heh.

  11. Here in the northeast corner of Massachusetts, we had 33 inches of snow! A few surrounding communities had 36″! Some schools, including the University where I work cancelled classes Tues., Wed. and Thurs., although some went back today. The snow was VERY light and fluffy, but there was still so much of it piled up that you had to attack every bit in layers and it got hard to throw the snow high enough to reach the top of the piles. But we didn’t lose electricity – for which I am VERY grateful!

  12. Good to hear your power didn’t go out. That is always a bummer.
    There were tulips at Target yesterday. I couldn’t resist and so now there are purple and white ones at our house. 🙂

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