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Ten On Tuesday

Valentine’s Day is just a few days off and I thought it would be fun to focus on love for this week’s Ten on Tuesday post. Not necessarily people I love (you all know I love Dale and Hannah and my stepkids and the rest of my family) but things I love doing, and things I love having. So, I am finishing the sentence “I love …” ten times for you.


  1. I love knitting. Duh.
  2. I love reading. I love it so much I made a career out of it. Along with this I love Goodreads. It has increased my love of reading lately in a huge way.
  3. I love eating. It’s my downfall but there it is.
  4. I love the YMCA in our town. I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again: I am so very fortunate to have this wonderful facility located just a mile from my house. The staff is remarkable (my beloved Bizzy is leaving, though, and I’m a bit devastated) and the people who go there are friendly and kind.
  5. I love the feeling I have after I’ve exercised. Getting myself to do it is often a matter of stubbornness but the high that comes after a good cardio work out just can’t be beat.
  6. I love a dirty Grey Goose martini with a blue cheese stuffed olive. I love it so much that I love two even more than one.
  7. I love entertaining. I love planning a party, a menu, a theme. I love having our friends and family in our home.
  8. I love flowers. I love them in my home and in my yard and in any way I can get them.
  9. I love my camera. And all those lenses I have. And taking pictures.
  10. I love summer. Please come back.

You know the drill: if you wrote a post for this week please add your link below. And if you want to subscribe to the weekly Ten on Tuesday list click here.

Comments (18)

  1. I love…your list! I did just have my first martini ever last weekend, and while it wasn’t my favorite, I think dirtying it up and the blue cheese-stuffed olive will be big improvements when I have my second one.

  2. So many wonderful things on your list / including the martini! I’m sorry your girl is leaving – I understand completely as my losing my beloved Tamara would be terrible! Off to go find that spin-a-thon link…

  3. What a great list, Carole! (Mmmm. And a good, dirty martini? One of the Best Things!) So sorry about Bizzy . . . but she’s helped you establish a great fitness foundation. Now . . . it’s time to learn something else from someone else!

  4. Since you love flowers and you love summer maybe you should come visit. I can make you two gray goose martini with bleu cheese olives….no problem.

  5. …and a) I “love your list” and b) doing this week’s prompt.

    Here’s hoping that even if summer’s still a few months off that the snowfalls are over, very, very soon!


  6. You lost me at “Grey Goose martini w/a blue cheese stuffed olive”. I had to Google that and my how delicious it sounds! Well, the sun, if you could see it, isn’t over the yardarm yet so I’ll have to ponder it a little longer. Yes, I think I too could love #6. I see I am in good company.

  7. I ended up limiting my list to things I discovered in 2014. Otherwise, I would not have been able to limit myself to ten things. Reading your list I kept thinking, “Oh, yeah, that’s on my all-time top ten list!”

    And I have to say that I’m glad you love your camera, too, because I love looking at your photos.

  8. I love Manhattans and knitting and reading! I love all you bloggers who take the time to share your lives with us!

  9. I had my best idea EVER last week–to empty the liquid out of a jar of olives & replace it with gin. Because that’s the best part of the martini IMO: the gin/vodka soaked olives. No reason that wouldn’t work, right?

  10. Love your list…I’m a chocolate martini girl but they’re all good, right? I also love my family most of all …and sushi, cross country skiing, ocean kayaking, writing personal notes and cards, purging and organizing ( yes, I really do – and happily do it with/for friends and family!)…and the usual reading, cooking, baking, gardening, etc. How do people ever say they’re bored??? There are never enough hours in the day…ever!

  11. I love your list!! Flowers, friends, martini’s, blue cheese and books, what is there not to love?
    I had wanted to do my list today…but maybe tomorrow. 😉

  12. I love your list! and that heart garland is making me smile. Thank you for another fun topic (to take our minds off all that snow)!

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