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Mexico, 2015: The One With All Of The Other Photos

I have a few other photos of our trip that I want to show with you. They don’t really fit into any of the other posts but they are special and worth sharing and discussing.

flying pelican for carole knits

We saw a lot more pelicans this year than we have in prior years. They flew overhead regularly, swooping past us while we sat on our patio. They are big and strange but also elegant.

biosphere pelican for carole knits

This guy landed right in front of me when we were in the biosphere. He just floated along in the water and he allowed me to get much closer than I thought I would. I take all of the pelican photos for Jessica since she has a bit of a thing for these birds.

iguana for carole knits

Iguanas and geckos are plentiful, too. This fella was on the side of the road and, much like the pelican, he let me get pretty close before he scampered off. The are very cool looking but I don’t want to get too close, believe me.

street dining for carole knits

Tulum is full of charming little spots like this. You can grab a quick taco or a cold beer and just hang out and watch the people go by. I love how simple this is and so utterly Mexican with those colorful tablecloths.

taxis for carole knits

Taxis are everywhere in Tulum and they drive, well, aggressively. Dale is the opposite of an aggressive driver and he’d just let them pass him whenever they wanted. We went down the road at our own pace, listening to mariachi music and enjoying the beautiful scenery. It really gives us a sense of freedom to have our own car and the prices are so cheap that it’s totally worth it.

dale beach los lirios for carole knits

There he is again, Mr. Relaxation 2015. And can I just tell you – Dale is not a beach person. He doesn’t like the sand and he doesn’t like the hot sun. But in Tulum? He loves the beach. I think it’s partly because he can go back to our room any time he wants. It’s also partly because there is plenty of shade. And it might also be because there is plenty of beer. I’m not sure on that last one, though. Ahem.

palm tree in the sky for carole knits

This is not a bad thing to look up to at all. I do love me some palm trees.

Okay, dear readers. One more post about Mexico for tomorrow (I really did save the best photo for last) and then next week we will resume our regular life and activities.

Comments (8)

  1. The photo with the colorful tables? So simple, and so striking. If it were a little warmer and sunnier here, your pictures would have me convinced I was in Mexico.

  2. Beautiful and Dale looks quite content. I see an elephant trunk in that last one….reaching for a coconut? 😉

  3. Thank you, Carole, for discovering how to get a man to go to the beach! I will remember this. The tables with the bright blue chairs and festive organge tablecloths are also irresistable!

  4. I’m really struck by the sharp color division in the ocean in the second photo. I wonder what causes that? Maybe next winter you could knit a Deep End with those great tablecloth colors to remind you of this beautiful place!

  5. I like the fact that there is shade available. As I get older I don’t care to be in the sun for such a long period of time. That’s when the beer helps….

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