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Wednesdays Are For Knitting: Romi’s Mystery Shawl 2015

For the better part of April and more than half of May I have been working on Romi’s Mystery Shawl 2015. Each Friday when the clues came out I was ready to go, even when I was on vacation in Mexico. The thing about a mystery shawl, though, is that it’s a, well, mystery. Let me just say right now – Romi hasn’t let me down yet.

I love this thing.

mystery shawl 1 for carole knits
I love it’s size. It’s BIG. That’s the love seat on our deck and it spreads across almost the entire back.

mystery shawl 3 for carole knits
I love it’s lace pattern. All of those yarn overs and transitions from one section to another – they are just gorgeous to me.

mystery shawl 4 for carole knits
I love it’s pointy edges. I know some people didn’t pull out all of the points like I did but I like it this way.

mystery shawl 5 for carole knits
I love it’s edging. Sure, those yarn overs were a pain in the ass to count, but they were totally worth it. And those big leaves – stunners.

mystery shawl 6 for carole knits
I love it’s crazy crown stitches. That was a new one on me and it was confusing at first but I got the hang of it and I love the little scallop they make.

mystery shawl 7 for carole knits
I love the yarn I chose for this project. It’s Kim’s Lucent and it’s incredibly soft and the colors are just lovely. Boney Maroney and Birch Beer if you’re looking to do some shopping.

mystery shawl 2 for carole knits
I gave away the last big shawl I knit. Not this one, though. This one is mine, all mine.

Comments (20)

  1. Oh Carole, it’s stunning! I love all the same things about it, too…and that you’re keeping it. I know you’re going to love wearing such a gorgeous piece that you knit yourself!

  2. GORGEOUS!!! It’s the wearer who will make it even more so, though. 😉


  3. Absolutely beautiful! I really love the crown stitches and the perfect transition that area produces between colors, Wear it in good health and happiness at the lovely shawl you’ve knit!

  4. Lovely! Seeing yours completed makes me want to knit all day to finish mine … but, alas, there is this work thing, ahem. Maybe tonight 🙂

  5. So happy to hear you’re keeping this one! It’s glorious. I love the wide border at the end and all the lace stitches were so much fun to do. Lovely, lovely!!

  6. That almost makes me want to tackle crazy chart land again! It’s absolutely beautiful Carole and I’m sure you will wear it well.

  7. Kym scooped you and you scooped Margene–all these mystery shawls are gorgeous! Love your colors and admire your dedication. Knitting in Mexico–wow!

  8. I love the colors you choose, Carole! Just gorgeous! (I gave mine away this time. . . because my Mom loved it so.)

  9. I love the colors you chose and I love how it came out. It makes me want to sit with Jo-Ann and get mine finished too.


  10. It’s gorgeous, Carole! It looks like those colors will be wonderful with just about anything. I can’t wait to block mine… sometime.

  11. wow, that’s really stunning. I haven’t wanted to knit a shawl in a long while… it seems that recently they’ve all started to look the same to me: garter stitch and short rows. But this one is really special, and you knit it beautifully. I love the “crazy clown stitches,” they are really unique. I have Claudia’s finished shawl open in the next tab over, and it’s also really beautiful.

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