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Ten On Tuesday

I was thinking the other day about how much I love our house. Dale is probably reading this and saying, whaaaat? Because I do sometimes complain about the lack of closets and the one bathroom but mostly, I love our house. I thought it might be fun to make a list about the things I love about our house and so, today’s Ten on Tuesday topic is 10 Things I Love About My Home.

house mosaic

  1. The color. This was something I wouldn’t have said until last year when we changed it from faded blue siding to beautiful white siding.
  2. The windows. They all have grids since this last work we had done and I think they go great with our colonial style house.
  3. The new carpet in our living room. It’s so soft! I love walking on it with bare feet. We also recarpeted the bedroom and the den – hooray.
  4. Our little den. It’s tiny but I love the crank out windows and it’s the perfect spot for hanging out and reading.
  5. The woodstove. There is nothing like the heat of a wood burning stove for creating atmosphere and coziness.
  6. The deck. I spend as much time as possible out here when the weather allows. It’s like adding an extra room to our small house and it’s the perfect spot for entertaining.
  7. My flower garden. I have several perennials I moved from my old house when I married Dale. This year I bought a few new plants and I’m expanding perennials to the front yard, too.
  8. Our furnishings. I love our dining room set and sideboard, the couch in the den, our white metal framed bed and our antique kitchen table, just to name a few things.
  9. The artwork. There are pictures I have taken, paintings by Dale’s brothers, antlers and folk art and more, all carefully curated by yours truly.
  10. My craft room. I waited a long time to have a space of my own. It’s wonderful to be able to leave projects out, especially quilts and other sewing things, and not have to pick everything up like I did when I was sewing in the dining room. Plus – lots of space for yarn and more!

I hope you all love your homes and I can’t wait to read why. If you wrote a post for today please include a link below. If you want to receive the weekly Ten on Tuesday email please click here.

Comments (16)

  1. Our old house has tiny corner closets and one bathroom also, but because it’s the home where my family lives I love it!

  2. I love my deck in the warmer months. I’m out there as much as possible. But my favorite thing that I love about my house is the people who live in it with me.

  3. Your house is very cozy and the new work you’ve done would really make it bright and fun. You have such style! I look forward to another visit…someday, because you are the very best thing about your home.
    Right now I love the ceiling fan in my bedroom where it is probably in the 80s. Heat be gone!

  4. I am closet-less as well. But I’ve seen enough pictures of your home to know it’s just perfect. Your decorating is wonderful!

  5. I’m lucky . . . my house has more toilets than people. (I guess. It also means I have more to clean. . . ) Your house looks so inviting and warm, Carole! Just like you! XO

  6. Good list, Carole. I love our “this old house” house with all its quirks, which are legion. But it’s a lot to care for and, as others say, old houses have no closets. But our family started and grew here, we have a pet cemetery in the back yard – so, here we stay.

  7. Sounds lovely, Carole – we share some of the same loves about our homes. I forgot to mention that I love our new mattress, though. After almost 22 years, it was definitely time for a new one!

  8. We live 21 floors above the ground and have amazing views of Manhattan, and can even see a bit of Staten Island, the Hudson River and the bay. Having built-in screens means a lot as I am a mosquito magnet and the screens of course keep most bugs out.

    I love that you can’t see into any room from any other room, that we have an eat-in kitchen, that my daughter grew up with her own decent sized room (which I didn’t). Our walls are covered with her and my paintings as well as bookshelves with tons of interesting books. We have a lot of inherited furniture. In short, a funky and interesting home which I hope you will come visit one of these days.

  9. Your house always looks charming in your blog pictures. Every house has its charms, but the inhabitants are what make it special!

  10. I live in a fairly small townhouse, which was totally run down when we bought it. I am finally in a position to make some renovations. So most of my favorite things about my home are the renovations, which include:

    My kitchen – crumbling press board cabinets & cracked formica counter tops are no more! Although I am semi second guessing some of my choices, I still love the heck out of my new kitchen.

    My vinyl floors. MY 17 year old dog has (ahem) bladder control issues. The flooring choice was driven by what was most waterproof. But they also look great. Somehow the rooms even look larger.

    My new master bath. Dusty rose toilet & sinks? Shower with handles that are cracking & falling apart? Gone, gone, gone! I love the shower especially, which is marble so no grout to scrub. It looks so clean!

    Ceiling fans – and just in time for summer. ‘Nuff said!

    The reduction in clutter that is a direct fall out of having to move everything to put down the flooring. Shoulda done that years ago! Note to self: do not let things get out of hand moving forward.

    The cross vent – if there’s even a bit of a breeze, we catch it.

    The views – from the front a lovely plumeria tree & lots of green. From the back a great view of Koko Head.

    Artwork: I have a portrait of my great-great grandma Louisa the t got me onto Antiques Roadshow & have collected a decent number of photographs of Hawaiian scenes, &of course of my family.

    Can’t leave out the family that lives here! The house wouldn’t be a home w/o them!

    And last, what is yet to come: Hopefully by mid August my back deck will be covered. It bakes in the sun, making it pretty much unusable. It will be such a wonderful addition to my home & I know I will spend a lot of time out there.

  11. what a great prompt, Carole! your home is lovely and loved in. and I’ve enjoyed reading and seeing about everyone else’s, too. thank you!

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