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Right Now: Early July 2015

onion volcano for carole knits

July. Already? I’m not ready for the summer to rush by so quickly. Maybe if I stop and talk about the things that are happening it will create the illusion of slowing it all down.

Here’s what’s happening for me, right now.

Watching: Orange Is The New Black. Once we are caught up (we’re about halfway through this new season) we will go back to House of Cards. And maybe Grace and Frankie since I’m hearing great things about that show.

Reading: Serena by Ron Rash. It’s for the book bingo square for a book I think I will dislike. Now, obviously, I liked the sound of it enough to add it to my to-read list at some point but ever since it came through for me on Overdrive I’ve felt sort of meh about it. I’ve only just started to whether I like it or not remains to be seen but it’s going to count for that square either way. And can I also say, that’s a dumb topic for a square. WHY would I read a book I think I won’t like?

Knitting: The Through The Loops Mystery Shawl 2015. I’m pretty on point with the clues. And also the Zick Zack scarf, which is mind numbingly boring. And socks.

Listening to: Pandora, the Adult Alternative station. I think Dale might be coming around to this. Okay, not really, but he’s stopped with the constant protesting regarding modern music.

Drinking: Martinis. And lots of water.

Planning: Next week’s vacation. Mark Twain House, here we come. And also the beach. And the lake. Woo hoo!

Remembering: Tuesday night’s hibachi dinner with our kids. It was fun! And also, expensive. Boo. But still. FUN!

Eating: Lettuce. Okay, not really, but I should be because our CSA this year? LOTS and LOTS of lettuce. I told Jo-Ann we should get an effing rabbit already.

Planting: New perennials out front. Some lupine and shasta daisies and lavender.

hannah travel books for carole knits

Wishing: I could stowaway in Hannah’s suitcase on Sunday when she leaves for Oxford. Everyone describes it as living inside the world of Harry Potter. She’s going to have a marvelous time and I’m very happy for her. And also incredibly jealous.

Dreading: The days at the end of Hannah’s trip when she’s in Iceland. By herself. Oy.

Celebrating: The Fourth of July. I think I shall make this pie.

What’s going on in your world right now?

Comments (10)

  1. That. Pie. You are going to rock that pie! Here’s to slowly enjoying July and I’ll meet you for a vicarious martini this afternoon!

  2. Wishing Hannah a really wonderful trip! I hope we’ll get to see some of her photos and I’m also hoping for some photos of your new perennials when they’re blooming (next year?) Lupine, shasta daisies, and lavender sound like a beautiful combination.

  3. Today, I’m relaxing. Took the day off work to be with Smith and we’re heading off to a tiny adventure, as soon as we can get organized. 🙂 xoxo

  4. Pie and martinis–yum! I am joining you in Hannah jealousy. England…this happy isle! Love everything about it except trying to drive on the left side of the road.

  5. Omg! That pie is a work of art. Unfortunately, I have more of a trailer trash gene than a Martha Stewart, but I’m planning to enjoy your pie vicariously! Happy Independence Day!

  6. I think you will like Grace and Frankie. I’m about half way done with the first season. Need a rabbit? Got them right over hear for ya. Maybe they will stop eating our parsley if I send them up north for your lettuce.

  7. We have a lovely house bunny – adorable and endearing – named Rupert, whom our daughter deposited on us for the summer. He’s a nice pet, but he has been distressed by a flood from the apartment above and then workers coming in to remove the ceiling above “his” room.” So he has moved to our room where he likes to sleep in the bed with my husband and me. And he has had an intestinal disturbance due to the above stress – in our bed. So if you really need a bunny, I will lend you Rupert.

  8. so many thoughts…but narrowing it down to three: 1. a book you think you’ll dislike is maybe a book you’ll love…I’m 100+ pages into the “biography of cancer” and I’m mesmerized (hope yours turns out that well). 2. Oxford is also very close to Downton Abbey. 3. Julia at the Mark Twain House!!!? have a ball next week and I look forward to reading all about it once you’re home.

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