I didn't mean to be AWOL yesterday, it was just one of those things, you…
Daytripping: Heritage Museums & Gardens
There’s one other thing Dale and I did last week that I haven’t told you about yet. We visited Heritage Museums & Gardens in Sandwich. It’s about an hour from us and we borrowed the pass from the library (breaking my cardinal rule of going to work when I’m on vacation) so we got in for half price. Truthfully, it would have been worth full price – what a great place!
The gardens are stunning and this lily pond is one of the first you see. It would be a beautiful spot to sit and meditate, listening to the sound of the waterfall, and gazing at those gorgeous lilies.
Speaking of lilies – the daylilies were just about in full bloom when we were there and they were plentiful and varied. I have the customary orange ones at home but at Heritage Gardens I saw pink and yellow and so many other varieties.
I sort of wanted to steal little cuttings from all of them and bring them home for my garden.
One of the things the Cape is known for is hydrangeas. They are huge and blue and simply stunning. The Cape Cod Hydrangea Society maintains the hydrangea plants here and they do an amazing job. There are paths.
And huge blossoms.
In the most vibrant shades of blue you’ve ever seen.
I love a mixed flower bed as much as beds of all lilies or hydrangeas and Heritage Gardens has plenty of those around. The riot of colors and textures makes my heart happy.
I don’t always know what a flower is called but I know what I like. And I know when I see beautiful combinations together, like these pink spikes with blue flowers behind them.
I have to say, though, this picture of a foxglove stalk is my favorite from the day. I love the blue sky behind it and the bells on the foxglove are just perfectly aligned and lovely.
I thought of all of you as we walked around, wishing you were with me, sharing in the beauty of this place. Taking these photos and sharing them with you is the next best thing – I hope you feel like you really were almost there.
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I’ve been meaning to borrow this pass, too! Your beautiful photos make me want to go even more!
Those hydrangeas are gorgeous, and so are all the other blooms! I love how you captured four colors of water lilies in one photo. I think the pink spikes might be a type of celosia, but they are beautiful no matter what they are. Thanks for sharing!
thank you for thinking of us! the photos are gorgeous – I especially love the lily pond. It looks so tranquil, yet alive.
Your gardens are much brighter in color that our desert gardens. I love walking in anything garden/green oriented and find it very peaceful.
It would have been nice to travel those paths together! Doug’s lilies are really coming in now and they are beautiful!
What a lovely way to spend an afternoon. The colors of day lilies are amazing! And the hydrangeas are stunning (they don’t do as well in our semi arid climate). Thanks for sharing!
Yes, thank you! Such a treat to see all these beautiful blooms. My state (ca) is just getting parched.
I have a peaceful easy feeling now that I have toured the gardens with you. I just love those hydrangeas. They are so beautiful on the Cape.
Beautiful! Foxglove is one of my favorites but I’ve given up trying to grow it… it was naturalized and prolific near our house at the Oregon coast, but I can’t find the right spot for it here. Anyway, gardens/grounds are always such a great way to visit a place.
Beautiful photos! There are so few truly blue flowers because that was the last flower color to evolve.
LOVELY!!! The pink spike-y flowers? Veronic spicata. (They come in shades of pink, white, or shades of purple; really fabulous flowers.) They look stunning against that blue hydrangea!
Can’t type. That would be Veronica spicata.