Maybe we all need to be more like Fred and George. Get cozy with a…
Checking In On Those Intentions
Back in January I made a list of 10 intentions for 2015. Now that we are more than halfway through the year I think it’s high time for a check up on those intentions.
Use my iPhone camera.
- Check! I use my iPhone camera a lot. Part of this is because the camera on the iPhone 6 is bomb but it’s also because I have learned to use some great apps to process my photos right on the phone. I will be sharing a post soon about my favorites.
Join instagram.
- Check! I’m not a frequent poster but I’m doing more and more and really enjoying it. I like it especially for seeing the beautiful photos that people share, there is some amazing stuff on there.
Fully participate in One Little Word.
- Check! I have been keeping up with the prompts every month and that has helped with the incorporation of grace into my life. I still struggle and sometimes I fail, particularly under difficult circumstances, but it’s a process I’m enjoying.
Recommit to exercise.
- No check here. I have really struggled with my exercise routine this year. My personal trainer left the Y, I haven’t clicked with anyone new, and I just haven’t been making the time for this. BUT I’ve got a plan for getting back on track, starting with squats and a plank every day, and I feel good about this. I’m very thankful that I haven’t gained any weight despite my lack of effort here but I feel like a slug and that needs to end. NOW. Putting it out here will help me to be accountable, of that I’m sure.
Read 52 books.
- I have finished 44 books so far in 2015. I think this intention will be met and surpassed by a wide margin. I’m so thankful for Goodreads and the way it rekindled my love of reading.
Stop procrastinating.
- Check! This was directly related to doing banking for work and I have faithfully gone to the bank every week since January. It feels so good to just get it done on a Monday and not have it hanging over my head.
Get all gold medals in Mario Kart.
- Partial check. This is a silly goal and I knew that when I stated it. I’ve had some fun playing, though, and that’s a good thing.
Waste less food.
- Partial check. I’m not sure I’m much better at having less food around but I am better about giving it away when we don’t eat it all. That’s a step up from throwing stuff out and that’s good. I see room for improvement here, still, but I’m much more mindful of it than I was in the past and that’s good.
Spend less money.
- Partial check. We go out to eat less than we did since we gave up our regular Wednesday nights out. And I try to use cash for things more frequently and that helps the money in the bank to add up. Like wasting food, I see room for improvement but that’s why this was on my list in the first place so I’m happy with the changes we’ve made.
Try new things. Make Mistakes. Be bold. Change. Grow.
- Ummmm. Check? I have tried some new things this year. I have grown my photography business and I have some plans in the work for branding that I’m excited about. I have learned new things at work. I have tried new techniques with my camera. I have planted new flowers, tried new recipes, learned about cheese and made new friends. I have been bold and sometimes that has blown up in my face but I think that’s okay. I make mistakes, some of them big ones, but they ultimately help me to grow. Change is scary, letting go of stuff and relationships that don’t work is hard, but moving forward is good and that’s what I’m doing. As Margene would say, it’s the process.
So. Some enthusiastic progress reports. And some things I still need to work on and improve.
I’m human.
I’m flawed but I try and I’m okay with that.
Comments (11)
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hard to believe the year is more than half over… and you’ve got more than a lot to show for these past seven months! I’m delighted to see you on Instagram and I’m curious about the photo apps you use (maybe a ToT topic?) The best we can hope to be is a work in process… thank you for your honesty and sincerity. xo.
I think there are an amazing number of checks and partial checks here, along with a great sense of self-assessment. More Mario Kart and more exercise sounds like a fun process!
You’ve found great success! I think standing while playing Mario Kart would count as exercise. 🙂
I think you have made wonderful progress on that list! I’m anxious to see which photo apps you like best. So far I’m liking Photoshop. Pretty simple yet adds some “pop” when needed.
Even flawed, you’re still pretty amazing 🙂
The year isn’t over, press on and build on your good work to date. I hit a bump in my training for a bit. I made it my goal to simply move more (without giving up on what I was doing). My Fitbit held me accountable for moving and as I saw progress there it was easier to set more goals and work at them. A little success can really be encouraging. Good luck!
Check out Girls Gone Strong on Facebook. Motivational. Perhaps an on-line coach if you haven’t liked any trainer at your gym?
Thank you for this update. You have inspired me to do an update of my own. I too struggle with the wasting food resolution–it seems like I buy too much or too little produce especially. I have learned the trick of not asking hubby if he wants something that is leftover–I just fix it and he eats it, smile!!!!
Your intentions hit home for me (except the Mario). 🙂
I have taken to going to the grocery every couple of days just to buy the produce we’ll eat (except this summer we’re eating from the garden (want some zucchini?) 🙂
Loved this. Makes me think of my mishaps and accomplishments. Exercise is hard but it does make your mind and body feel good. You’ll get back.
Goals (or intentions) are things you work TOWARD . . . so you’re making progress all the way around! It’s interesting to check back in and see how you’re doing toward goals (or intentions). I usually end up impressed with how far I’ve actually come! You’re doing GREAT! 🙂