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Yard Yahtzee!

Back in June, when we talked about things we wanted to do this summer, I said I wanted to play Yard Yahtzee. I had seen this post originally and then also this one. And this one. I still liked the first one the best, though, and that’s the one Dale modeled our version after.

yard yahtzee 1 for carole knits

He got a 4×4 from our local hardware store – for free since it was an extra piece they had around and they gave it to him. He cut that into 5 blocks, sanded them, and then burned the circles into the wood with a wood burning tool. It was a lengthier process than I anticipated but he persevered and I’m so glad he did because, friends, this is fun with a capital F-U-N!

yard yahtzee 2 for carole knits

The very first time was played was last Thursday night and I rolled a Yahtzee on my first turn. Woot!

We have played twice since then – we brought it to a cook out on Sunday and we also played on Tuesday night when we had friends over for dinner. What a blast, especially since our friends aren’t very competitive and no one takes it too seriously. That may or may not have something to do with the cosmos we drank first. And then the wine we drank while playing. You know me, always boozing it up.


I can’t tell you enough how much we are enjoying this game. I’ve seen it for sale on etsy (it’s not cheap) but it’s totally doable as a DIY project, as well.

Yard Yahtzee – our new favorite summer pastime!


Comments (10)

  1. I remember you writing about this earlier. So glad you shared more, it looks like great fun. Just remember, it’s all fun until someone’s Cosmo interferes with honest score keeping!

  2. I want to be your neighbor! That would be so much fun to play with you all boozed up, you know like we always do. You sure broke the game in right. It sounds like that game is infused with fun!

  3. Dale’s dice are even nicer with his beautifully sanded edges! We are visiting my sil in a few weeks and we always play kubb ( with them, but yard yahtzee would make a terrific addition to our drinking and game-playing. I may be testing my wood-burning skills…

  4. We’ll be right over–especially, if you have cosmos and wine! Have fun playing with your new toy this weekend!

  5. Whaaa? I thought Yahtzee was that long board with the holes and you moved stones around to get to a correct number. Or something.

  6. I want to be your neighbor, too! 🙂 I love to play Yahtzee . . . so I think Yar Yahtzee would be THE BEST!!! (Especially with Cosmos.) (Or wine.) (Or whatever.)

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