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It’s All In The Spin

vacation prep desktop for carole knits

Yesterday, when I shared this photo on Instagram (follow me here, if you’d like) I captioned it by saying that this week is all about dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s. And that’s very true. I’m getting ready for two weeks of vacation and there are reports to be filed, grant applications to be completed, payrolls to process and bills to pay.

In other words, I’m busy.

I’m also grateful. Grateful for a job that I enjoy, grateful for work that keeps me focused on productivity and not negativity, grateful for a paycheck that means we can afford to rent a house on Cape Cod every summer, grateful that having means that the days go by quickly, and grateful for an excellent staff who will do everything they can in my absence to make sure I can relax and enjoy my time away.

What’s keeping you busy today? And how can you put a spin of gratitude on it?

Comments (9)

  1. I’ll be very busy over the next few days cleaning up the shop, cleaning up the house, crossing off items on my list…I actually have a list. I know…scary, right?

    Then Vacation. <3

  2. Grateful I’m healthy enough to go for a long walk each morning even if it means getting up earlier than even I like to.

  3. Thank you so much for the gift of your blog, Carole! My days have been consumed with medically taking care of my husband and others…and a bunch of other “stuff” that we truly don’t need in our lives right now. Thank you for helping me to stop to thank God that I’m able to be the caregiver. Your words this morning are exactly what I needed…I’m forever grateful!

  4. The devil is in the details, but heaven is preparing for vacation! Sorghum and sorghum midge control are keeping me busy today, and I’m working on the gratitude 🙂

  5. I am busy trying to write to all my cousins after a cousin union this weekend. We couldn’t call it a reunion because there were cousins who had never met other cousins! We had a great time and hope to see each other again!

  6. Work is totally keeping me busy and I am very grateful for it. There have been times when it has been terribly slow here and this past year we weren’t even sure we would still be here. So I am happy about working!

  7. I am very grateful to sit in this chair everyday and the paycheck that comes with it! Plus, very grateful I can play on the weekend to make up for all the work. 🙂

  8. vacation is one of the very good things about working… and honestly, one of the things I miss about having a real job! but today is a newsletter day and I’ll have fun playing with words and photos, hopefully inspiring 8,000+ knitters with a new project tonight. and I’ll make a little bit of money doing it – enough over the course of a month to pay for next month’s yarn. spin is everything!

  9. It’s always a huge push before vacation . . . making the actual vacation all the more sweet! Good luck with your busy, busy week. (And I love your new logo.)

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