It's time to put the fall session of Read With Us behind us and that…
This Week Sundays Are For Poetry
I’m not much for poetry (mostly because I feel a lot of it goes but I read this the other day and it made me feel better about things that are happening in the world right now. I hope it will have the same effect on you.
The Peace of Wild Things
When despair for the world grows in meand I wake in the night at the least soundin fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be,I go and lie down where the wood drakerests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.I come into the peace of wild thingswho do not tax their lives with forethoughtof grief. I come into the presence of still water.And I feel above me the day-blind starswaiting with their light. For a timeI rest in the grace of the world, and am free.
Happy Sunday, all.
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I too read that poem this week.
That poem is so lovely; a friend shared it at a meeting several months ago, and it has been so nice seeing it pop up again this week, a week that definitely needed that sort of reminder. Happy Sunday to you!
Thanks Carole for posting this poem. I loved it.
Well done,beautiful
Lovely. Thank you for sharing.
That is lovely. Thanks for sharing.
I’ve read some of Wendell Berry’s environmental essays and fiction, but didn’t know he was also a poet. His message here is much-needed and well-heeded. Thank you!
Poets guide us through some of life’s most difficult moments.
I want to look up that poet!!!
Lovely. Perfect in every possible way. XO
Yes. Thanks Carole. xo
My apologies. You have graced us with your daily posts and Sunday cruised right by without a ok at the computer. Thank you for posting this lovely poem–it is a no longer forgotten favorite.
What a beautiful poem ~ thank you for sharing.
I read very little poetry. I have a few favorites from among the poets I studied in grammar school, high school, &college, but even though I have a cousin who has published a couple of books of his poetry, I rarely make time for it. However, this poem really spoke to me in light of all that is happening in our world. Thank you for sharing!