Shows up and you aren't prepared. You didn't take any photos over the weekend. You…
This weekend was a whirl of parties and social obligations, shopping and decorating, and Christmas movies and music. I kind of need a weekend to recover from my weekend but it was all great.
I saw a new podiatrist on Friday afternoon. We have decided to treat my plantar fasciitis with stretching exercises and inserts for now. I have a follow up in 3 weeks and if things haven’t improved I may go for the cortisone shot.
There was a party for the COA on Friday night. It was hosted at the home of one of my colleagues and it was a fun night of pizza and snacks, plenty of wine and lots of laughs. It was really nice to see everyone away from work, relaxed and hanging out with their spouses. I made that mincemeat pie for the husband of our host as it’s his favorite and he told me a few weeks ago that he hadn’t had one in ages. I also made a chocolate cream pie and a banana cream pie but there aren’t any photos of those.
On Saturday I went to the Y in the morning. Yes, you heard me right, I went to the Y. I recommitted to my exercise routine last week and I have started working with a new personal trainer. I feel better already. When I got home I treated myself to a delicious soft boiled egg and in the afternoon did some shopping (two gift cards to get and I am done!) and some decorating. It was warm enough to drive the Mustang with the top down and I have to admit it was pretty incongruous to be riding around in a convertible while Baby, It’s Cold Outside played on the radio.
Saturday evening was a party for Dale’s work and that was also fun. I don’t know many of his coworkers but it’s nice to see him with his friends and enjoy a delicious meal and open bar. Woot!
On Sunday morning we had a brief visit with Randy and Mary, who spotted this dandelion in the yard. Yes, a dandelion in December. I love it. In the afternoon there was a Christmas Open House at the library here in our town and we stopped by to see some friends, enjoy some music, and eat a few special treats. We did a little more shopping and then came home to relax and enjoy some quiet time together.
I may be a shiksa but I made some yummy latkes to celebrate the last night of Hannukah. And the Pats won. Playoffs here we come. And also, free coffee today. Hooray!
How was your weekend?
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I need to pick up some craft beer (which I can get at the grocery store) and then I am done shopping! Presents are wrapped and the tree is decorated. It’s nice not feeling the typical panic & stress of too much too do. I did give up on the few knitted items – IOUs instead. I have roses in bloom here in NoVA but the warm weather does make it easier to run all of those errands. No having to bundle up against the chill!
That is so awesome that you went to the Y! Good job! I’m sorry that you have to deal with PF. Bummer.
You have my sympathy on the PF. Isn’t it fun to make a favorite foodie treat for someone you know will enjoy it?!
Your weekend looks perfect! We are having a SNOW EVENT! It could be headed your way so enjoy the warm!
PF…boooo! Otherwise that looks like a perfect weekend! And the latkes…with a little sour cream too? Yum!
I’m so sorry to hear you are dealing with plantar fasciitis, that is an issue I had several years ago, but thankfully it’s not a problem any more. The stretching exercise really help and I found wearing Keen shoes
was also a great help.
Hope the stretching exercises help … I think I am calling for an appointment today, I was hoping it’d go away, but not so much 🙁 The pie is beautiful, as always.
Wow! You really did have a busy weekend. Sounded like a lot of fun.
I babysat one night for my grands and was wiped out. Didn’t even get the lights on the tree yet. Also had PF pretty severely. Got rid of it by constantly doing the stretches. Took a long time but was worth the persistence. Hope you have success with it.
I hope that treatment works for your poor feet. I had it a few years ago and after stretches and changing shoes it thankfully went away. My dad had to go for the shots though. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for ya. Good for you for going to the Y!
I’ve had p. f before too. Take good care of you. It heals…slowly. But it does heal!! You notice every step when you awakendon’t you
except for the injury, all that sounds wonderful. kudos on (almost) finishing your shopping – you’ll be able to really enjoy next weekend – hard to believe it’s the last one before Christmas. there are shorts in the laundry today for the first time in weeks…. I’m not complaining, but I have a new sweater to wear!
I confess I buy frozen latkes that cook in the oven. Easy and pretty good, but they still make your house smell!
Now THAT is an action-packed weekend! XO
Nice latkes, my shiksa friend! PF is a bitch. I had it for about 2 years before it went away–stretching my foot with a belt daily is what turned the corner for me, along with always wearing footwear with good support–no more mushy flipflops, only the expensive kind for me now. I hope the stretching works for you too!
I am sorry that you have PF 🙁 It is such a rotten thing to have!! The stretching exercises helped me, as did the cortisone injections (I had both feet done at separate times). What really made a difference in keeping it away was a change in footwear.
Good luck!
Yay you on the return the Y. A friend/coworker has been seeing a new personal trainer and I can see the results… and have been considering same! (Must make the call.)
Winter finally arrived here in n.w. Wisconsin very early Monday morning — winds,sleet, and cold. Perhaps it has arrived in Massachusetts by now, too. Oh, well, now I can really break out the warm handknits…
Sorry about the PF, I had that years ago, and cured myself. As a librarian, you might appreciate this: I took two pairs of hardcover books, taped them so they were at a 90 degree angle, then strapped them to my feet overnight with ace bandages. Within a few days, the tendon reattached in the proper place, and no more pain when I first stood up in the morning. Wood braces would work as well, so long as your feet stay at a 90 degree angle while you rest.
I had this as a runner in my late 20s and now I am over 50 and have not had that pain since I did this.