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Ten On Tuesday

Often at this time of year we talk about intentions. Or goals. Some people ::::shudder:::: even call them resolutions. And they are good. Important, even. But I’m not using that as a Ten On Tuesday prompt because I just thought we should do something different here. Shake it up a little bit, if you will. So this week’s Ten On Tuesday topic is 5 Things You Want To Do More and 5 Things You Want To Do Less in 2016.

carole_dale for carole knits

  1. More laughing
  2. Less crying
  3. More understanding
  4. Less criticizing
  5. More moving
  6. Less sitting
  7. More forgiving
  8. Less keeping score
  9. More talking
  10. Less yelling

I should probably print this out somewhere and look at it every single day. I think it’s a great way for me to live.

If you wrote a post for today please include your link below so we can read it. If you’d like to receive the weekly Ten On Tuesday topic via email please click here.

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. “More and less” is a great way to look at things; it made me really think and consider. I like your pairings, and I’m with you on looking at it every day. I posted mine by the kitchen sink last night!

  2. Great way to think about those things we might like to change. There’s more room for grace and trying again in ‘more’ and ‘less’.

  3. I read Susan B. Anderson’s blog, and she is suggesting that we all knit the heck out of 2016. I wasn’t going to have a resolution for this year until I read that. I just bought a new sewing machine, so if some sewing/quilting happens too, that’ s just all the better.

  4. Love your list, Carole. Such a great perspective for goal-setting, habit-forming, and generally starting our intentions out loud.

  5. That’s a great list! I also feel as though I should print out my list to look at everyday, and I suspect I’ll want to print out everyone else’s, too!! Great ideas and I love this spin…

  6. Great list and great “spin/slant” on the traditional New Year’s Resolutions. Many of the items on your list could easily go on my own. I am looking forward, though, to reading all the other lists.

  7. Happy 2016, Carole! Love this twist to the new year resolutions & habits – both as a prompt for all of us and the list that you shared. Here’s the the “more” for all of us in this year!

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