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Wednesdays Are For Knitting: Striped Socks

I know you were probably hoping for photos of my Stopover sweater today. You all know how that goes, though, right? It involves finding a time when there’s light and good weather and a photographer – something that isn’t easy to do – but it will get done, I promise. For today, though, can  I distract you with some pretty striped socks?

striped socks 2016 3 for carole knits

I absolutely adore these. The colors are so pretty and the yarn (Jawoll Superwash) wears like iron.

striped socks 2016 4 for carole knits

I made the legs extra long just because I could. And because I like a tall sock.

striped socks 2016 2 for carole knits

The stripes are completely misaligned and I don’t even care because they change so often and the colors are just so rich. And also because I was too lazy to try and match them.

striped socks 2016 for carole knits

You can bet I will be wearing these – along with Stopover –  this weekend at . . . wait for it . . . SPA!

Comments (19)

  1. I really like these! The frequent changes in striping is great. I don’t recall seeing such narrow color changes ~ love!

  2. LOVE those stripes. Happy feet, for sure. 🙂
    Envious of your SPA weekend coming up. Wish I could sneak out there and join y’all.

  3. I love how the stripes aren’t all even, which sort of makes the lack of matchy-matchy even better. Enjoy your new socks, and your weekend adventures.

  4. Envious you’ll be at SPA and that you have new hand knits to wear! How wonderful!!! Love the colorful socks and even more that they don’t match up perfectly.

  5. These are extradinary socks and I love that even folks who are #+€# enough to line up the stripes don’t have to worry.

  6. Such ‘happy’, fun socks! Quick question for you since you said you made them extra long. How many inches from the top to the heel flap did you knit yours? Can’t wait to see them with your Stopover sweater!!

  7. Who needs them to match? They look amazing. I was hoping for Stopover pics too. I know the struggle of finding time/light, etc… Maybe we can take some pics this weekend?

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