I went to bed last night without prepping a blog post for today. I was…
Michigan Vacation, Part the First
I’ve been blogging for a long time now and I’m not about to tell you anything new when I say that the one thing that I never expected to happen – but also the thing I love most about my blogging – is that I made real life friends. I guess it’s what happens when you basically read someone’s diary 5 days a week for 10 years or more – you get to know them and, if you’re really really fortunate – you get to meet them in real life and tell stories in person with laughs instead on computer screens with words. All of this is just a prelude to say that Dale and I went to hang out with Kym and Tom and it was wonderful.
They opened their home to us and welcomed us like family. And we had such a great time! We did so many things, way too many to cover in this one blog post, so I’m just going to do a quick and dirty list of all it, and then I’ll cover the specifics in the days to come.
- We toured Kalamazoo
- We played with Jenny and Jo-Jo
- We drank beer. Lots and lots of beer
- We ate delicious food prepared by Kym and also Tom
- We had a fabulous meal at Food Dance to celebrate Dale’s 65th birthday
- We heard awesome live music
- We traveled to The Ford Museum and saw amazing historical stuff, including a special tour of Beatle’s memorabilia
- We visited their cabin Up North
- We fished
- We visited Lake Michigan
- We ate ice cream
- We got to see Kym’s beautiful gardens
- We ate really great donuts at Sweetwaters
- We played Pass the Pigs (which I had never heard of) and told lots and lots of jokes
- We had a campfire and ate s’mores
- We toured around on their pontoon boat – we call those party boats here
- We had, and this is the underest understatement ever – a blast.
I’ve got lots more to tell you, including about our days in Chicago, but for now this will have to suffice. Other than this – I have to go on just a little more here – and say that having imaginary friends turn into real life friends is an incredible thing. Being able to travel to new places and see new things because of those friends makes me feel unbelievably fortunate. I guess what I’m trying to say is that these are the connections that make a big cold world a cozy corner full of friends instead.
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Wow…you must be exhausted! Glad you had such a good time!
Travel is one thing. Travel to a new place, and seeing it with people who live there and love it : entirely expanded experience. You’re very fortunate, indeed.
Clearly virtual friends are way better than imaginary friends. Way better. So glad you had such a great adventure.
It was so much fun and we loved every minute! XOXO (Let’s do it again.)
Blog friends are wonderful, and like you say, having them turn into real-life friends is extraordinarily wonderful. Thanks for sharing your fun, food, and adventures!
I am so glad you had such a great time! And, friends are simply the best – but friends that grew over the course of a decade are priceless!
Well said Carole! What a wonderful adventure with wonderful folks. Hoping you have lots more fun together!
Memories (and friends) likes that are part of what gets us through the rough patches.
Thanks for sharing about your wonderful visit!
So glad you had a good trip! Looks like you got to experience the best of a Midwestern summer.
You, Dale, Kym and Tom have so much in common–high energy, fun-loving, adventuresome! What a group!
Sounds like you had a very fabulous time! I have been studying the first picture in your collage and trying to figure out all the plates. It truly looks like a great time was had by all!
I’ve always viewed the friendships made through blogging as a blessing, but the distance that is often between us as a curse. Every once in a while, there’s an opportunity for the curse to be lifted and… I can vouch for it… it is a truly wonderful thing! Yay. Looking forward to hearing more.
It sounds like a magical vacation, I can’t wait to hear all about it!!
vacationing to visit friends is the best – looks like all four of you had a great time!
It sounds wonderful! I have to ask… where did you go Up North? Jack and I have a cottage up near Petoskey. I LOVE that part of the world.