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Ten On Tuesday

When I was a kid I went to sleep away summer camp. The first year I went I was terrified and begged my mother not to make me go. And then when they came to pick me up after a week I hid behind a tree because I didn’t want to go home. So, I guess you could say that I loved going to camp and that go me thinking that this could be a Ten On Tuesday topic: 10 Things I loved About Summer Camp.

barretts pond for carole knits

  1. The cabins. They had bunk beds and held 8 kids and a counselor. They were rustic and small and absolutely perfect.
  2. The counselors. Good, good young men and women. I can still picture many of them even after all of these years.
  3. Arts and crafts. I remember learning to macrame (hey, it was the 70s) and make God’s Eyes with yarn and Popsicle sticks.
  4. Singing. I can’t sing well but I love to do it anyway. And the camp songs we sang were so much fun.
  5. Campfires. We always had one on the last night of camp and the girls all cried and it was cheesy. But awesome.
  6. Special Theme Days. I think there were 2 each week and they made everything extra extra fun.
  7. Meal time. The food at my camp was very good and we ate family style. I loved sitting around the table with my friends, laughing and sharing stories while we ate.
  8. Archery. Like singing, I wasn’t very good at this but I enjoyed it anyway.
  9. Skits. They were often silly and sometimes stupid but they made us laugh.
  10. Care packages and mail from home. My mom was fabulous about sending goodies and treats in the mail.

Did you go to summer camp? If you wrote a post for today I hope you’ll add your link below so everyone can find it and read it. And, as always, if you’d like to join in the Ten On Tuesday fun, please click here to subscribe to the weekly email.

Comments (14)

  1. Camp sounds like fun and I’m sorry I didn’t get to go as a kid. It would be great to go to knitting camp as an adult!

  2. Loved it too. I was thinking recently about some of the songs we sang so lustily and unthinkingly back in the 50’s with words that now we know are scurrilous. One started off, “We are the Redmen, down among the dead men,” and I won’t go on with the rest. Political correctness does have its good points!

  3. It seems that I missed out on loads of fun by not going to camp as a kid! This sounds like such a perfect time! And, I had fun with the topic, despite my lack of camp experience! Thanks for sharing XO

  4. Loved camp – I was lucky enough to go every summer from the time I was 10 until I was 17. Our camp was situated on a lake, and I loved canoeing and fishing. Some of the friendships I made back then still exist today.

  5. Ahhh, glad so many seem to have had a great time. I only went one year and didn’t like it at all! People were snobby and clicky, etc. But now a knitting camp sounds wonderful to me.

  6. My parents and now my children are grateful that I went to Girl Scout camp. There I learned that canned spinach is delightful topped with grated Parmesan cheese. We all love it – try it!

  7. “I went to Girl Scout camp in the 60s. It was pretty rustic, we slept in either lean-tos or tents, & used outhouses. We learned to swim in a pond with “Chuck” our snapping turtle. We had arts & crafts, singing, nature, folklore, hiking, & campfires every night. I loved it and was always sad when it was time to go home.

  8. One of my favorite memories of camp is scaring our roommates. One of my posse lurked outside our tent with a flashlight which she turned off and on. They got us back, however. They were so scared they prayed the entire rosary out loud! Wading down the river was another highlight!

  9. I LOVED summer camp! From 9 to 12 I went to girl scout camp, but after that for a few years I went to a private camp that had horses!! I was in 7th heaven. I sent my son to the same horsecamp for 9 years and he loved it too. Such great memories.

  10. My Daniel did 10 years of camp – all the way through to full counselor before he headed to college. It’s a good world. (A YMCA camp too!)

  11. No camp here, although I went camping dozens of times. If I’d had time to write about my experiences as a kid….
    You certainly make camp sound fun!

  12. It’s like we went to the same camp! I bet we know some of the same camp songs too.

  13. your camp experience sounds delightful! …more like the ones my girls had than I did. they are both still friends with girls they met at summer camp.

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