Shows up and you aren't prepared. You didn't take any photos over the weekend. You…
Happy Monday? Wait. Let’s try that again.
Happy Monday! There. I’m sure you can tell that my enthusiasm concerning Monday’s arrival is completely genuine. Because how could it be otherwise? I mean, it’s not like I’m wishing for an extended weekend or anything since the weekend I had was terrific. I have photographic proof, too.
It started on Thursday evening. Yes, Thursday is the new Friday since Dale is off for the summer. There was the usual snacks on the deck but we were joined by Jo-Ann which was not usual and loads of fun.
Friday was cloudy and cool so Dale and I visited World Market, a store I’ve been anxious to explore. It’s like the perfect  combination of Home Good, Pier 1 and Christmas Tree Shop. After shopping (I showed great restraint, I swear) we had a late lunch and then headed home.
We had one of my favorite summer suppers – corn on the cob and nothing else. So good! We played Pass the Pigs and caught up on some TV, too.
Saturday morning started rainy and it was the perfect lazy morning. It was made even more perfect by the special delivery of warm-from-the oven banana bread, left on my deck by Sean. We gobbled down almost half the loaf before we even realized it.
Dale took off in the afternoon for an overnight band job and I spent my time getting a pedicure, doing some journaling and meditating, and making a chocolate cream pie to bring to Sean and Michael’s for dinner that evening. Sean outdid himself again – lots of grilled chicken and ribs, more local corn, and fresh cole slaw. We had a great evening just hanging out and telling stories and watching (yes, it’s a thing) drum corps competitions.
Sunday morning was another rainy one and I was lazy yet again. I finished a book (I’m closing in on a bingo!), did more journaling and meditating, and finally got to get back out on the deck when the skies cleared late morning.
Tom and Anne joined us for a drink late in the afternoon and after they went home I grilled a pizza and we ate it while listening to lots and lots of Beatles music. And there was, perhaps, my favorite moments of the weekend, while Dale and I danced in the kitchen.
How was your weekend?
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Maybe if your weekends weren’t so good you wouldn’t begrudge Monday’s arrival? Nah, that doesn’t sound right. Glad it was a great one!
Clearly I need to practice my weekending skills. I might also need to get a back deck. Ours was leisurely but hot and filled with smoke from a not quite distant enough wildfire.
Sounds like the perfect weekend Carole — so nice to start on a Thursday night too! Glad to hear there is someone else who dances in their kitchen!
World Market=overwhelm! Your weekends are always THE BEST!
Excellent weekend! We could have used a bit more sun but no complaints. And I love to watch drum corps competitions! Happy Monday!
looks like summer in all the best ways! I keep hoping we’ll get some rain…I’d love a quiet, wet morning (or afternoon). Have a great week!
I think weekends starting on Thursday should be a thing everywhere, year round. What a fantastic weekend 🙂
What a yummy weekend! Makes me want to go get a snack.
Not as yummy food filled as yours!