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A Month of Photos: December 2016

I’ve been doing this Project 365 thing for a number of years now. I thought it was 5 but I just checked flickr and it’s actually 7. Yes, that’s right, I completed my first Project 365 in 2010. Wow. While I sometimes have to force myself to take a photo, once it’s done I’m always glad I did it. It just makes for such a great way to document my daily life. Here’s a look at December:


You’ve already seen most of those, I know, but I really like seeing the entire month as a whole. And wasn’t December full of red! And twinkle lights! No wonder it’s my favorite month for photographs.

And now it’s onward to Project 365 for 2017!

Comments (11)

  1. Twinkle lights and plenty of red – very cheerful…especially on this grey (again) morning! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Color and light is just what I needed today in my grey, wet world. But I especially love the photos of your art work – oh, and that bacony bloody mary! XOXO

  3. Your monthly roundup is always fun to see. I have to think that if I were doing a photo a day there might be at least one shot every month of my toes under the covers right before I turned out the bedside lamp. My photo taking stinks, I tend to be better at living in the moment than using part of my brain to remember to take pictures.

  4. Seeing everything all at one time is so festive and reminds me of the glorious December days. We’re in the most dreaded of months and I’m looking for some “bright”! Thank you!

  5. Looks like you captured all the good things about December. I need to do better about taking at least one photo a day. Sometimes I take tons, and then its seems like I can’t remember to take the time just for one.

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