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Pieces of Me

If you’ve followed me on Instagram this last week, you will know that I’ve been participating in Ali Edward’s Pieces of Us project. Each day for a week we were prompted to post a selfie of a particular . . . well . . . part of us. And today I’m sharing all seven photos with you. Please know that this feels a little . . . uncomfortable for me. I do take selfies and share them occasionally but seven, and all in one post, feels like a lot of Carole.

Day One: Feet
Day 2: Hands
Day 3: Face Forward
Day 4: Eyes Closed
Day 5: 1/2 Face
Day 6: Full body
Day 7: Reflection

Ali says it’s important to put ourselves into our stories and I agree. So there I am. And those are my stories.

Comments (10)

  1. That is a lot of Carole, but that is not a bad thing! I love the one with Jackie and your hands and reflection tell some good stories, too!

  2. Interesting, Carole. I love that last photo of you and Dale. How old were you guys in that photo?

  3. Some good stories here. As someone who’s never met you in person, the absolute best part of you is harder to photograph. That warmth, kindness and humor inside of you, but they are reflected in these pictures.

  4. I didn’t join in this year but I agree that it is important to put ourselves into the stories we are telling and this project feels like a great place to enter. I appreciate you as a storyteller.

  5. I agree that it is important to put ourselves into our stories, something that I (and most women I think) find it hard to do myself. Those pictures reflect the wonderfully human person that you are, and that I love. Thank you for stepping outside your comfort zone and sharing all those beautiful pieces with all of us.

  6. I know it’s a moon-and-stars frame, but my first thought was, “It makes perfect sense that Dale is in the gold star frame. He earned it!” A pair of gold star sweeties indeed.

  7. It feels strange to say this, because we don’t actually know each other…but I’m proud of you. So as kind of uncomfortable and strange as it feels, I’ll just say it. Because I think it’s hard for some of us to put our pictures out there. It definitely is for me. With all kinds of stuff wrapped up in that… But there’s so much to celebrate in those selfies. So much to celebrate in our reflections. And by reflections, I mean both the noun. Like a mirror. And the verb, reflecting.

  8. Bravo to you, my friend. It IS hard to put yourself (and especially a LOT of yourself) out there! I’ve loved seeing the “pieces of you” appear in my IG feed over the past week. Those “pieces”? They add up to a terrific whole. XOXO

  9. I have LOVED seeing YOU (in all your pieces 😉 and so many others sharing selfies this past week. It’s important for us to be in our own stories … even if – especially if? – it feels a little weird. I’m convinced we can do our best work when we lead from that place of being uncomfortable. xxoo.

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