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Some Days You’ve Got Nothing

Sometimes blogging is hard. Not the technical stuff but the content stuff. The moment comes in every day when I think, hmmm, what to blog about for tomorrow? And a lot of the time, probably even most of the time, I have an idea right away. Sometimes I even have a whole week (or more) planned out.

Not this week, though.

I’m wishing now I’d saved some of the stuff we did this weekend so that I could share it with you today. Or that I had some knitting that was worthy of photographing and sharing at the moment. (I don’t. I’m on the 3rd iteration of a hat for Dale and you all know what rounds and rounds of black stockinette look like.) I wish I had some book reviews or recipes or a happiness hacks. But I don’t.

I’ve got nothing. Well, nothing except this poem which I found when I was googling for poems about peace, peace being my One Little Word for 2017. I’ll share it now because I want to remember it and reflect on it. And maybe you will find meaning in it, too.

morning sun down back for carole knits

I Wish For Peace, Sharifah Hanna, September 2009

When times of sorrow
Come each day,
I always feel sad
And sigh away.

Always a war, needs fighting
Always a life, suffering,
Oh, how I wish,
I wish for peace.

Though, I know, ’tis a test
Laid for us by God,
That the day comes
Of no more burden,
No more load.

A time of love,
A time of ease,
Oh, how I wish,
I wish for peace.

But, what would I give
For people to always get along,
Instead of shouting curses
To, maybe, sing a song?

I hope, I will live
To see my dream come true,
As, I hope, your dreams do to.
Right now, I will wish,
I wish for peace.


Comments (16)

  1. This is indeed a challenging week for blogging, and I suspect there may be plenty more. I don’t want to write about DT all the time, but that is difficult when each day brings incredible pronouncements from his team and signings of terrible executive orders. Writing about knitting and books feels a little awkward when there are bigger issues at hand. I had nothing yesterday, and had something bizarre enough today that I could write a post. I do know that I appreciate reading whatever people choose to blog about, be it poems, tulips, marching, signs, knitting (pink or not). I value it all, so thank you.

  2. Blogging every day is hard! (Not that I know from personal experience) I’m still emotionally drained this week, from the eventful week last week, although I didn’t march and I don’t watch football! Always enjoy reading your posts, even when you think you don’t have much to say!

  3. This sounds like me and my weekly phone call home. My life plods along pleasantly enough, but not a lot that feels like news. Not that this is newsworthy, but my goal for the week is to do an extra kindness each day. Not those everyday things, but those things that take some forethought. Carry on!

  4. Sometimes honest, reflective posts are the best ones! Life isn’t always filled with newsworthy (or what we think are blog-worthy) events and happenings. Poetry can always fill a gap.

    And besides . . . the Academy Award nominations are out this morning! 🙂

  5. I’m back because, as Kym noted, Academy Awards noms are out. There is fodder, including the lifeless way in which they announced them. So, Wednesday?

  6. I think we are all feeling a little raw and a little vulnerable (or maybe a lot). Thank you for the poem.

  7. Nice poem! I will be joining you in the black hat knitting once as my yarn arrives. My niece’s husband asked me to make him a hat. I pulled out brown, navy, cream, red. He wanted black with stripes.

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