We're past the mid month and I think we're do for an update on what's…
Random Tuesday
It’s a mixed bag of things around here so you’re getting a mixed bag of a blog post. Hmmm. Let’s see . . .
- I left out this picture of the chicken wings I made over the weekend so that I could share it with you today and not have it mixed in with other weekend type things. They were delicious – sticky and slightly sweet and a little bit crispy. The recipe is from Richard’s Garlic Salt and you can find it here.
- My online drawing class is really awesome. I’m not always sure I’m making progress but Virginia Freyermuth is such an awesome teacher (and she’s married to Richard of Richard’s Garlic Salt, FYI) that even when I think I’m doing everything wrong she reminds me that it’s art and it’s mine and mine alone and there is no wrong or right.
- Did you watch Game of Thrones Sunday night? That opening scene was the bomb! I was bummed that Daenerys didn’t show up until the very end, though, since she’s my favorite. I will admit that I am often confused with who is who and which plot point is which but Dale is pretty good at keeping track and he fills me in when I’m lost.
- Speaking of TV, we are completely behind on House of Cards. Summer is in full swing and we’re spending many of our evenings outside on the deck or socializing with friends and I just can’t bring myself to go inside and watch TV. It’ll still be there when the weather turns.
- I can’t believe it’s past the middle of July and I haven’t been swimming yet this summer. It has rained every Friday we’ve had the opportunity to go to the beach like it’s a great conspiracy. I think we will rectify it this weekend, though, with a trip to the lake with Jo-Ann and Shawn.
- I finally caved and bought an Echo from Amazon. I have been waiting (and waiting!) for Sonos and Amazon to work together so that the Echo can play music on the Sonos speakers because I was worried that if I bought one now I’d need to buy a newer one for that to work. I’m pretty sure that if (when?) it does finally happen it will just be a software upgrade so I went ahead and took the plunge. And since then I’ve added an Echo dot and 5 voice controlled lightbulbs and 3 voice controlled outlets and it’s all “Alexa this” and “Alexa that” and my house all the time. It reminds me of that movie Smart House that Hannah loved so much when she was a kid and it cracks me right up.
- I got another Bingo this week. Yay!
And that’s all the random that’s fit for sharing.
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I finally have a bingo too! Welcome Alexa! We’ve one episode remaining on HoC and have enjoyed this season. Oh those Underwoods!
Wing recipe sounds good. I have my own secret, delicious recipe, but I think I’ll try Richard’s, too. No need to get in a rut, right?
those wings look and sound fabulous. We started watching House of Cards, but are finding ourselves bored with it this go-round. We’ve watched 3 or 4 episodes, but don’t find ourselves looking to watch it…only when there is nothing else.
I thought this season of HoC was too much like the real news, and I don’t want more of that! Can you believe I’ve never watched even one episode of GoT? I’ve heard good things and should probably try it someday.
Welcome to the “talk to the house” generation. We are the same here, I am not sure I like it however, Steve loves it. LOL
And, I LOVED GoT! Go Aria! She is my favorite!
We caved and bought an Echo too … but it’s still in the box. Hopefully this weekend we can figure it out – I’m looking forward to the music – and a person to talk to 🙂 also, congrats on the Bingo!!
Boos on the missing swimming. Yays on getting another Bingo.
I started HoC, but it’s been so long since I watched the previous season that I couldn’t remember what was going on. That’s what I love about streaming TV, this winter, when I feel snowed in, I can do some marathon Netflix watching and knitting and start over with HoC. (Right now I’m watching a few episodes of “Bones” everyday.)
One of my friends and I took a class on Crayon tinted embroidery. We are consumed with it, as you tend to get with a new craft, and have been making all kinds of dishtowels and stuff. It’s a nice craft for the summer when it’s too hot to do wooly things. Here is a link with some examples—you know how when you are doing something new-to-you and you are all excited about it and think everyone else should try it too?
I finally got a Bingo despite the # of books already read. I’ve sorta gotten hooked on Turn, so I’m trying my best to get caught up. I’m thinking we’ll get on board with an echo at some point, it’d be more handy at work!
Oh, those wings look good. I need to try that recipe. My husband is a wing fanatic. He ordered an Echo, then promptly cancelled the order before it shipped. I think he decided he didn’t need it, or he is trying to resist needing it. I think it might be helpful, particularly since he is in a wheelchair. I hope you get to go swimming this week. It is hotter than a firecracker here, and swimming sounds lovely.
We’ve barely watched TV all summer. There will be a lot to catch up on when we get back to it. Your wings would be something Smith would love! I think we’ll try the recipe this weekend. xox