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Weekending Quickie

We spent a fabulous weekend away at Lake Winnipesaukee with Jo-Ann and Shawn. We had so much fun that we stayed until after 8pm last night which got us home just before 11. This is all just a roundabout way of telling you that I’ve got to get to work and I don’t have time for a proper weekending blog post.

Instead, I’ll just show you this.

And ask you to wait patiently until tomorrow for the rest. I know you understand.

Comments (9)

  1. The harsh realities of adulthood! We’ve one more day here in NC. ?Glad you had a great weekend!

  2. So glad you spent every possible moment of your weekend at the lake! Hope your Monday speeds along with thoughts of your fabulous weekend. XO

  3. Totally understand, and still almost envy your “Weekend Hangover” as we call that lament that your fabulous weekend away has left you with Monday morning.

  4. I had a great time following along on Instagram – looks like you had a wonderful weekend, and reading about it tomorrow will make it last a little longer, right?

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