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It’s A Marshmallow World

We did indeed get a crapton of snow dropped on us yesterday. And I got what I wanted, a cozy day inside by the wood stove with plenty of time for knitting and reading AND the power and the Wi-Fi stayed on all day. Woot!

I managed to do some other things, too, like work on the campaign and get the tax stuff together so it was a good mix of should do and want to do.

Today is snow day #2 and we will be digging out from the mega inches of white stuff. It was officially a blizzard with sustained high winds and low visibility but today the sun is shining and all I want is for all of this to melt!

Comments (13)

  1. Glad you had such a great day – both wanna do and should do! More snow (minimal) for us forecast for this afternoon…and I heard of the possibility of yet another Nor’Easter next Tuesday. What?????

    Stay warm!

  2. I had a little bit of that yesterday too. I did go to work for a couple of hours but that’s because Doug drove me! I’m done though…make it go away!

  3. Your snow scenes are lovely to look at, and I’m so glad you kept power and wifi, but enough already! I’ve heard talk of yet another storm next week, but I just can’t listen to that nonsense. Wishing you safe snowblowing and shoveling and a nice warm reward at the end. (I’m imagining cocoa, but maybe a cocktail or two works better.)

  4. Here in northeast corner of MA on the MA/NH state line, snowfall totals are in the low to mid 20’s. I am so grateful we didn’t lose electricity this time. It was a LONG 48 hrs w/o power after the last storm. But SO much shoveling today!

  5. I’m wishing you great warmth & sunshine for melting.
    #soreadyforspring (and we have nothing on you in the snow department this year)

  6. A snow day where you can do just what you want is a wonderful gift. It would be nice to get one in Colorado! Okay, okay, I will stop whining.

    P.S. The photos are terrific!

  7. March snow rarely sticks around. Even when it’s piled high. Hope the warm air returns . . . and turns all that snow into spring! XO

  8. You guys in the northeast have been hammered this year! I’m glad that all you got was a snow day and not a snow misery. I hope digging out is easier than it looks. Oh yeah, you’ve got a husband with a snowblower!

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