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We interrupt your regularly scheduled Eye Candy Friday to say: It’s my BiRthDaY!

And this is what 53 looks like around here:

Okay, so technically that’s 52.999 since I took it last night right before we went out to dinner. And yes, it’s edited, because I’m a photographer and no photo is ever the best when it’s straight out of the camera. But it’s still my truth. Some fine lines on my face, gray in my hair (I stopped highlighting it over a year ago now and I’m glad), more weight than I’d like . . . but that’s me and I’m okay with all of it because another trip around the sun sure beats the alternative.

Have a great weekend!

This Post Has 39 Comments

  1. I’d say you’ve shared some beautiful Eye Candy with us today, Carole – Best wishes for your next trip around the sun!!

  2. Happy Birthday. You look wonderfu, dahling. You have the secret: nothing like being happy in your own skin to make a person look great!

  3. Happy Birthday!!! You are beautiful just the way you are. <3. I know you will have a wonderful day and a wonderful weekend!!

  4. Happy Birthday!

    Be with your family and friends and enjoy your time.

    Love your block and pictures.
    from Germany, Ruhr Valley

  5. Happiest birthday wishes to you, my beautiful friend!
    Open your arms wide and embrace it all. (And I absolutely trust you will do just that.)

  6. You look fabulous! Being comfortable with yourself is the best gift. Now, go have a birthday weekend like no other!

  7. Happy Birthday, Carole! I hope your day is as wonderful as mine was yesterday! I celebrated my “Beatles Birthday” and was serenaded with “Will you still need me, will you still feed me when I’m…”! I hope your celebration will last through the weekend & wish you the best for the year ahead!

  8. Another Mary beat me to the comment; this is a great Eye Candy Friday. Beautiful way to celebrate this trip around the sun. Happy Birthday!

  9. Happy, happy birthday! Hoping you feel great and have a wonderful year ahead. Thanks for sharing you life with us.

  10. Happy Birthday Carole! May your next time around the sun be so full of blessings you want to be 53 again.

  11. Happy Birthday! Wishing you a great day and a wonderful year ahead!!! You share a birthday with my moth er in law in Heaven. I was blessed to have the best MIL…I think today is a great day for a birthday!!!

  12. A very happy birthday to you, Carole. I say 53 is looking pretty darn good. You are perfectly imperfect just the way you are. I hope you have a fabulous weekend and reflect on how good your life is and how you make it that way!

  13. Happy, happy (belated) birthday, Carole! You are beautiful! And I love that you post photos of yourself. So many friends and bloggers don’t. which I think is such a shame. It’s lovely to see the person behind the words!

  14. Happy Birthday Carole! I just popped into your blog after a long absence and hope you are doing well!

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