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That weekend zoomed by awfully fast, my friends! Here’s a quick recap:

Lunch with Jackie. He’s a good eater and on this day had grapes, goldfish, and a little leftover chicken. He’s looking more and more like a toddler every day and his personality just slays me.

Friday Night Snacks. Heavier on the vegetables these days in an effort to eat healthier. Just as good as ever, honestly.

Saturday lunch. I had fish tacos, Dale had a burger, we both had beer. Lunch out is rare for us but we had been car shopping (more on that later this week!) and it was fun to hit a local pub together in the middle of the day.

Sunday afternoon visit with Jackie. His mama needed to food shop and we offered to watch Jackie while she did. I love a good bonus visit. In case you’re wondering, the look of longing on his face is because he wants to climb the stairs and I kept saying no. Mean old Nana, that’s me.

Sunday night dinner. Seared scallops on a bed of spinach. Really delicious.

In between there was reading (Kingdom of the Blind, finally), knitting (Stopover #2), and movie watching (The Favourite).

How was your weekend?

Comments (16)

  1. It sounds like you visited the pub after car shopping, but I think I might go before our next trip to a dealership. That would better prepare me for dealing with car salesmen. I love Jackie’s look of utter longing to try the stairs and experience the unimaginable delights of UPSTAIRS. Some day soon!

  2. Jackie is growing up so quickly!!! Such a cutie.

    I loved The Favourite – did you like it?

    And those scallops on spinach – looks DELICIOUS!!!

  3. I am with Bonny… the pub prior to the dealership sounds like the key to not losing your mind! And, I suspect that Jackie will be navigating stairs soon!

  4. Just wait until your back is turned. One day soon. Your weekend sounds lovely! My weekend was Mylo and me, which is pretty fun in the snow. And, we got some nice whiskey (bourbon and scotch) to sip. 🙂

  5. There’s a glint of something in Jackie’s eye that suggests that you’ll need to keep a close eye on him. Something tells me he’s going to find a way to get up those stairs!

  6. I thought he was looking quite like an almost toddler too! He certainly brightens my day! Looks like a great weekend Carole…We started my 60th birthday kickoff with friends out and about. It was fun and made for a little slow going on Sunday! 🙂

  7. Yes to the weekends zooming by. Could Jackie be any cuter? (No.) Looking forward to hearing about your car adventures. Scallops are one of my favorite foods!

  8. I couldn’t keep from commenting on Jackie’s cute sheep overalls. As always your weekend is packed full of fun things!

  9. I kept hearing Carly Simon singing “Anticipation” while I looked at that Jackie picture. He is mesmerized. Sounds like a great weekend.

  10. He looking more and more like Dale just sayin. Seeing this just reminded me that I completely forgot to get my scallops in Dover when I was visiting Courtney..ggrr

  11. Our weekends were very different, but I think they left us both feeling full and happy! That photo of Jackie looking at the stairs is a keeper for sure … I wonder how long it will be before he’s climbing up (and down)?!

  12. How you manage to capture these moments is beyond me! When I see photos like this it reminds me so much of my 2 when there were little. I don’t care what people say there is something very special about little boys when they are this age- their grubby hands, their slobby kisses . . .

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