Right Now

I’ve got exactly … nothing to blog about today. That must mean it’s time for a catch all post! Here’s what’s happening in my world right now:

Enjoying: Our outdoor lights. We’re turning them on earlier and earlier and I am grateful for the loveliness of them.

Choosing: Paint for my craft room. It’s looking like Summer Wish from Valspar will be the one.

Reading: On Being Human by Jennifer Pastiloff. I just started this last night and it’s very well written and I feel like it’s not going to be a typical memoir.

Watching: Chernobyl. Actually we finished last night. It’s only 5 episodes and if you haven’t already watched it I highly recommend it.

Knitting: The Peace Cowl. Still. But I’m in the home stretch.

Planning: A dinner party to celebrate my birthday on Saturday. It will be small, with only the very closest of friends, and if the weather holds it will be under the pergola.

Anticipating: Fall decorating. I don’t love saying goodbye to summer but I do love swapping out the curtains and bedding and getting out all my autumn decor.

Dreaming: About that side hustle. It’s not ready for public input just yet but I’m working with a friend to start create a workshop to help women find their power and use it to fulfill their own dreams.

Coordinating: Calendars with Dale. I’ve got a conference coming up, he’s got a class reunion, we’ve got plans to make to get us through until the fall. The calendar discussion turned into a vacation discussion and that was great.

Feeling: Excited about strength training. I’m loving that circuit I linked to last week. I’m still only doing one repeat but I’m doing the full amount of exercises and can tell I’m getting stronger.

Planting: Daffodil bulbs, apparently. I got an email yesterday from White Flower Farm that my order was on the way. I checked and, sure enough, I placed an order last spring. I had forgotten all about it!

Diffusing: All the fall essential oil scents. Ginger, clove, nutmeg, orange and more. My house smells great and we aren’t breathing in smoke from candles. I love it.

Missing: Our hummingbirds. I haven’t seen any the last few times I’ve been on the deck. They may be gone and I’m sad.

Drinking: Excellent coffee from our new place in town, Restoration Coffee. I have to leave for work 10 minutes earlier in order to make the time to get there but it’s worth it. I’ve never been a fan of Starbucks (and we don’t have one near us anyway) and I’ve always tolerated Dunkin Donuts, but this coffee is exceptional. If you’re local and haven’t tried this place I can’t recommend it enough.

I guess for someone who didn’t have much to say . . . I actually did have a lot to say! Thanks for reading.

Comments (12)

  1. Isn’t it a joy to find local shops you love frequenting?

    I am pretty much ignoring fall for another week or two. I think fall has come to expect that from me, so it should be fine.

  2. It makes me so sad to have to turn lights on so early now. Sigh. But, I find it entirely appropriate that you choose a paint called Summer Wish!

    And, vacation discussions are always the best! (Happy early birthday too!!)

  3. I have a photo-eye/timer for my pergola lights — best thing ever!! I can set it dusk-to-dawn, or on-at-dusk for a certain period of time (4, 6, or 8 hours, I think). I LOVELOVELOVE that it’s all automatic. I just adjust the “on” time with the changing seasons.

    I love that your calendar discussion turned into a vacation discussion… THE BEST TYPE OF DISCUSSION! (Where to??) 🙂

  4. I like having a finished Peace Cowl, but for some reason it inspired lots of non-peaceful feelings in me while I was knitting it. Oh, the drudgery! Looking forward to hearing more abut the side hustle and seeing it come to fruition, and a good cup of coffee is worth an extra 10 minutes!

  5. I really enjoyed Chernobyl. Have you listened to the podcast? It’s very interesting and a great complement to the series. I also want to read the book that inspired much of the series.

  6. I will have to re-think my impressions of Chernobyl. I just couldn’t make myself watch something so dark. As usual, you have a busy and interesting list of things going on, Carole. I wish you the best with all of them, and Happy Birthday this week!

  7. I wish we had a local coffee shop here. I am not a dunkin’ fan so it’s pretty much Keurig all the time for me! Looks like your fall is working out to be pretty fantastic!

  8. I love my local coffee joints! (We have several good ones to choose from; an embarrassment of riches.) I am so glad you chose a lovely yellow for your craft room. It’s going to look so bright and cheery! I love my yellow dining room. 🙂 So many good things in your post, Carole. But the best? That you are ROCKING the strength training AND that you’re feeling excited about it! XO

  9. so much GOOD going on with you right now! looking forward to checking in two weeks from now … after tasting a bit of fall in your neck of the woods 😉 (Marc has Chernobyl queue’d on the DVR, but I’m hesitating … thank you for the push)

  10. The craft room color is perfect! So much light and joy in that color. Your house would smell like fresh baking! yum. I like all the good stuff you’ve got going on. You do decor better than anyone I know! Hard to believe it’s time to think deep autumn!

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