15 Years!

Today is a Wednesday but 15 years ago it was a Saturday. I was home alone and I went into our computer room (no lap tops back on the dark ages) and I started this blog. I wrote a few paragraphs, hit publish, and I added my blog to the knitting bloggers webring . . . because that’s how we followed blogs back in the days before feed readers.

I posted sporadically for a few weeks but pretty quickly settled into a routine of posting Monday through Friday. I figured out how to share photos and I learned that if I commented on other blogs I would get comments on mine. Since then I have written and published 3,585 posts and have received 76,939 comments. I guess we’ve had a lot to say to each other.

Some of those posts have been about knitting but most have been about . . . life. I’ve written about amazing things and sad times, terrific vacations and fabulous parties, loves and losses and transitions, and so much more. I’ve improved my photography skills (thank goodness) and knit some beautiful things and (this is the most important part) I’ve created a community.

It’s that community (which is just a fancy way of saying all of you) that keeps me coming back. Sharing my life with all of you makes it better. You’ve encouraged me and challenged me and supported me and I’m grateful beyond words for all of it.

In other words . . . I’m really glad we’re in this space together. Thanks for sharing this journey with me.

Comments (32)

  1. It took me a while to find your blog, but I’m sure glad I did. You have definitely fostered a community here, and a beautiful space. Happy Blogiversary!

  2. Your blog along with the others have truly given me life. I enjoy readying and plan to fire up the coals on my old blog and join you all to be a part of this wonderful community of readers, knitters, and just plan fun folk! Happy Blogiversary!!!!

  3. Congratulations, Carole! That is a wonderful milestone! I am certainly glad that our “paths” have crossed here in the “inter-world”!!

  4. Happy Blogisversary! Looking forward to Super Bowl snacks–even if the Patriots aren’t playing. Congrats on 15 years!

  5. Thank you for inviting us in and giving us knitting but more importantly your beautiful way with words!

  6. Happy Blog Day, Carole!! Isn’t that crazy? I had reason to consult my blog for a past event last night… said event happened in 2007. It seems like a million years ago but I’d already been blogging for almost 2 years. (It’s crazy how often I consult my blog for information!) I am so grateful to be a part of the knit-blogging community… it’s been life changing.

  7. Congrats on your blog anniversary!
    I always enjoy seeing your posts and especially love the book reccomendations!

  8. Here’s to at least 15 more years of blogging! I’m glad someone else remembers the “olden days” of the knitting webring!

  9. Wow, 15 years?! I thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing so much of your life and story with me, Carole. I am a much richer person for it, I have learned a lot, and I feel like this is such a safe place. I hope you keep it up.

  10. Happy Blog-aversary! …that photo really made me smile. and I LOVE that we’ve been part of each other’s journey’s for more than half that time!!

  11. Thank you for keeping the blog going – can’t believe 15 years have happened already! I’ll remember your blogiversary because it’s my eldest’s birthday. (When one’s daughter is 51, calling her your “firstborn” just doesn’t fit any more.)

  12. Thank you for building your community, for keeping the knit community involved and together, for being you and sharing so much of your life. You have given much to this community! I agree with Vicki, I too am grateful for this community, for your part in this community. I would have had my 16th blogiversary had I kept up, but I’m happy to lurk, to peek in and see how the people I know and love are getting along. Love you, grrl.

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