Shows up and you aren't prepared. You didn't take any photos over the weekend. You…
Apparently, stay-at-home weekend number eleventy-million was all about the food.
Friday Night Snacks
Saturday Afternoon Sourdough Crackers
Sunday Morning Popovers
Sunday Afternoon Lunch
In between the eating (and drinking, let’s be honest) there was some reading on the deck, a great meditation & reiki session on Zoom, FaceTime with Jackie, card games with Dale, practicing visible mending on some torn blue jeans, a drive to the ocean, and a few tears because sometimes this whole thing is overwhelming.
How was your weekend?
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Oh yum! How’d the crackers turn out? And, yes, it is a bit over-whelming at times. Our weather is not helping either…continual gray and damp and raw.
This weekend was pretty ok. Helped by sunny weather.
Now, dish on those crackers, girl! Isn’t it fun to make some crazy thing like crackers that are delicious and pricey at the store? It’s like discovering you have a super power.
Like everyone else, I want to know about those crackers! All the food looks fabulous, but your activities sound very soothing and productive in this crazy time. I don’t feel like weekends are much different from the rest of the week these days. I think it is very inspiring to see how everyone is attempting to adapt their lives to the changing circumstances.
I love “stay at home weekend number eleventy-million” Holy crap, that is so true. (and I am doing lots of carb loading here too!) THE BEST! 🙂
Way to go, Ms. Sourdough! (And yes, here’s another request to tell us about the crackers.)
I saw that fried deliciousness over the weekend and immediately wanted to hop in the car and get some! But we did not. Roast pork Saturday, Lasagna Sunday. Looking forward to hearing more about the crackers too!
All of your sourdough – yum! I wonder if gluten free sourdough is a thing?
So many carbs here, too. (So many.) I think it’s good to let those tears fall whenever they need to. XOXO
Reiki via zoom? Woo–I must investigate my local reiki practitioner and see if she does this!
Nice weekend down here in FL. Highs low 80s, lows low 50s so no a/c makes for a happy camper. Working hard on getting the house ready to sell so we can move to our mountain.
Made and mailed some more masks, and had a couple of grilled meals. Sat in the breeze and read an actual paperback novel (first in a while).
Things, though up in the air in this part of the country, are a little saner in my county/city which are taking greater steps than the state as a whole, to keep us safe.
(Was glad to find this post. Had to click through to your blog as bloglovin’ didn’t have an update from you. I wonder how many of my others haven’t shown up…)
My weekend was much the same (Zoom, tears, FaceTime, drink, repeat) … well, except for that awesome takeout you had yesterday (Marc made pizza for dinner, so it’s not like I’m complaining 😉 and I did watch the Homeland finale which is still making me smile.
Our booze budget has rivaled the food budget these past few weeks. We’ve been stocking the cabinet with all the fancy stuff for fancy cocktails… and not regretting a single drop. 🙂