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Sometimes Mondays

Are the start of a week that feels slow. As in, summer is here and the days are long and hot and the calendar has (finally) lightened up. Really, all we have for this week is two PT appointments for Dale and one meeting for me. And work, of course, but that’s a much different experience these days since the library remains closed. Plus the week ends with a holiday and for only the 2nd time in our married life Dale will be home and not singing at 3 different events like he usually does on the 4th.

Looking back, the weekend was simple but fun. We celebrated Dale’s birthday with lobsters rolls on Friday.

And pizza and cupcakes with the kids on Saturday.

It rained each afternoon so we didn’t get our beautiful evenings on the deck but we need the rain and it meant I didn’t have to lug the hose around the yard to water. It also meant we watched some TV. We finished Little Fires Everywhere and also completed our quest to watch all of the Star Wars movies in 2020. That was actually on my 20 in 2020 List and I’m glad it’s done. I can’t say I loved the movies but it’s a cultural thing I felt I was missing out on and now I’m not.

Speaking of that 20 in 2020 list, we’re halfway through 2020 and what a dumpster fire this year has been! There are a lot of things on that list that just aren’t going to happen . . . a 55th birthday trip with my two closest friends, traveling to new places with Dale, extending our front garden bed around the corner of our house . . . thanks to the pandemic and the accident those things are off the table. There is still time to address some of the other things on that list, though, like getting an estimate for a new dining room floor, and increasing the amount of art journaling I’m doing. It’s a good time to take a look at the list and make some adjustments.

I’ll be back tomorrow to share an update on my One Little Word. Have a great Monday!

Comments (9)

  1. Adjustment. That’s a good word for 2020. 😉
    It sounds like a great birthday weekend, Carole. And these days? That’s pretty much as good as it gets!

  2. “Something is better than nothing.” I’ve been finding myself saying that a lot lately, and while I wish things were better, I am glad for the things I can do. So hooray for lobster rolls, celebrating Dale’s birthday, and Jackie thoroughly enjoying his cupcake with you!

  3. Unless it’s work or an obligation I committed to for someone, I try to view those lists as aspirational. Possibly because I can get carried away with lists, but it’s certainly helped me review and revise aspirations as I go along. Plus, then there’s room for a little more, “Heck ya, let’s do that!” which is not my long suit as an overly planned person.

    Enjoy having Dale home for the 4th!

  4. Sometimes it feels like we’re missing out on life with the restrictions we have to deal with now, but I’m also a bit grateful when there are no obligations and I can focus on being in the moment. I think a birthday weekend with lobster rolls and cupcakes sounds pretty amazing!

  5. Yes, let’s concentrate on what we can do, Carole. There are lots of options, even if I don’t want to do them all! Looks like a good weekend to me. I hope your week continues to be slower and more enjoyable.

  6. I think everyone’s 2020 lists are off schedule this year. I know about 85% of mine involved leaving the house and getting together with other people. I’m trying to focus on the positive – I won’t have to work too hard on next year’s list. 🙂
    Glad Dale had a good birthday!

  7. Good post!! I think we are all feeing the stress to adjust to the new normal and the unexpected changes we have had to make, but baby steps forward, right?
    Jackie is so blessed cute and I’m so happy to see Dale doing well!!

  8. What a wonderful weekend! I’m glad you ALL were able to celebrate with Dale.

    I’ve never watched all of the Star Wars movies either but keep telling my husband that we should.

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