Our Bird Buddy continues to be popular with the feathered friends who visit our backyard…
Three On Thursday
How about a post about Jackie today? Specifically, a post about 3 things Jackie loves? We good with that? Cool.
- Cars. As in, the ones from the Disney/Pixar movie Cars. He calls all the ones with eyes “Guy” and he has loved playing with them for ages. A couple of weeks ago when he was here with me we watched the movie Cars together. I had never seen it and I found it delightful, my favorite scene is the one where they are cruising down the street to the song Sh-Boom. I enjoyed it so much I made Dale watch it with me the next night. And now we have a whole new way of relating to Jackie!
- Knock knock jokes. Jackie loves to hear them and he loves to tell them. The ones he tells, well, they don’t make a lot of sense. But the ones we tell him? He quite often gets them and laughs and it’s so cute. His current favorite? Knock knock. Who’s there? Goliath. Goliath who? Goliath down, you looketh tired.
- Photos of himself. Yep, our Jackie is a little ham, just like his grandpa, the biggest ham of the family. Jackie loves to pose for Snapchat photos, getting a huge kick out of all those crazy filters. He loves to pose for photos, usually by making two little fists under his chin and tilting his head to the perfect angle of cuteness. And after the photo is taken he demands to see it and then says, awwwwww, in the cutest little voice. It’s a hoot. Behold the latest 2 below.
Spending time with Jackie is one of my favorite things to do and I know we’re very lucky to be able to do so right now when many people are missing their grandkids. I never taken it for granted, particularly when I remember the months we went without seeing him last spring, and I always have fun with my little bug.
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I confess… I laughed at that Knock Knock joke! LOL Kiddo snapchats are just the best! 🙂
I echo Jackie’s ‘awwwww’ to all three of these! And they make me a little heart-achy… What a doll. Happy week-ending to you.
Yep, a big “awww” from me, too! I miss having a little kid around for Disney movies and picture books. (For the record, I miss having big kids around, too!)
I’m so glad you’re able to spend so much time with him — he’s at such a great age (I remember that knock-knock joke phase, when the jokes didn’t make sense but cracked up the kid telling them even so).
Jackie is at the cutest age, so you need to enjoy him as much as possible. I’m glad you can! Too soon he will be running from your hugs and trying to assert him independence. I think you and Dale are the greatest grandparents, Carole! Enjoy, enjoy!
Oh, Jackie! It’s so fun to watch him grow up with you, Carole. Thanks for “sharing” him! XO
(And another big “awwwwwww… “)
A Jackie day is always a good day! Thank-you for sharing Carole!
Snapchat filters are a HOOT!! My grandkids love them, too!
Even I had to laugh at that knock knock joke! I’m so thankful that you get to hang with your little buddy, it’s so good for him to be around you and learn from you and Dale. My kids got so much from being with my parents, and I’m thankful they had that opportunity. I hope one day I’m lucky enough to do that with some of my own grands!!