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Three On Thursday

I’m raising the bar this week for Three On Thursday. I’ve got 3 things of 3 things. Or, (3)2 !

  1. Yesterday morning on my way to work I saw 3 very big male turkeys strutting their stuff. They were fluffed up and pirouetting in the sun. And there wasn’t a hen in sight. I told Dale it was the epitome of looking for love in all the wrong places.
  2. Another thing that happened yesterday morning? It took me 3 tries to get my sweater on right. Yep. First it was inside out. Then it was backwards. On the 3rd attempt I got it. I really shouldn’t get dressed before my 2nd cup of coffee.
  3. I have 3 finished hand knits I haven’t shown you yet. That’s right. In between all that brioche knitting and unraveling (don’t even ask how that went yesterday) I have finished a head band, a cowl, and a scarf. Time to photograph those and share them with you.

And that’s my 3 squared list for this Thursday. I hope you’re having a happy day. Don’t forget to share your post if you wrote on for this week.

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Comments (12)

  1. Hubby and I had an early morning chuckle with you. He said “I’m having my second cup of coffee as we speak, and I haven’t attempted dressing yet!” He even had a good chuckle at brioche (which won’t be attempted by this knitter again).

    Surely he has lost his Muggle status long ago!

  2. A finished hand knit is rare enough for me that I tend to tell everyone about it immediately! (But I have managed to get dressed correctly on the first try for at least several months.) πŸ™‚

  3. I hear you on trying to do anything before coffee! Before we were working from home and things were more rushed in the morning, I used to get the coffee maker ready the night before so that all I had to do to make it was plug it in and push the button. Now I’ve been making it in the morning, but there have been many instances where I’ve lost count of the scoops of coffee and have had to dump and start over!

  4. Coffee is one of life’s most necessary things… sigh. Perhaps it was needing a sweater at the end of April that is doing us all in! πŸ™‚

  5. What a great 3×3 list, Carole. The turkeys? Oh, they crack me up right now. Hot to trot. . .
    And as for your sweater situation? At least you noticed and adjusted — even if it took you three tries. (Tom has been known to put on a sweater backward or inside-out or both . . . and NOT NOTICE.)

  6. I think I put my sweatpants on backwards three out of seven days in the morning! πŸ™‚ Great list Carole and looking forward to seeing those knits!

  7. Sorry your broiche adventure is not going as well as it could. But you should be encouraged by your knitting output. I am eager to see them!

  8. I love your sweater story. I was so excited the morning I was going to get my first shot that I had my leggings on backwards and when I left the house I realized they were inside out!! Thanks for sharing!!

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