Our Bird Buddy continues to be popular with the feathered friends who visit our backyard…
Three On Thursday
It’s Thursday. And I’m about to ask you to spend some money. Don’t click away just yet, please read to the end.
Our Kiwanis club has been struggling with a lack of fundraisers since the pandemic started. We haven’t had the pancake breakfast for two years now, the golf tournament was canceled last year (we’re planning on it this year, though) and these are two of the major ways we raise money for the charities we support. One of my favorite things about being in Kiwanis is giving away money and it’s hard to do that when you don’t have the resources. So, in an effort to raise some money, we are having a raffle for a Cash Calendar. Essentially, you buy a calendar for $20 and every day for the month of May someone’s name is drawn and they win the daily cash prize, .
Here are 3 reasons why you might want to purchase a Cash Calendar:
- You can do it online from wherever you are. That’s right, you don’t have to live in or even near my town to participate, you can make your purchase with PayPal and if/when you win we will just mail you a check. Just a click of a button and you’re in! And don’t hesitate, either, since we’re only selling 250 calendars total. Yep. Your odds are good on this thing.
- You can win money AND you can win more than once. If your name is pulled for any given day it will be re-entered to win again. While it’s probably statistically unlikely, you could potentially win 31 times! The daily cash amount fluctuates from as little as $25 all the way up to $100! I know lots of people who buy scratch tickets. What if, instead of buying scratch tickets this week, you bought a cash calendar? I also know lots of people are missing the fun of going to a casino. What if, since you can’t gamble in person, you take the money you might have spent there, and used it to buy a calendar or five?
- You’re helping out an organization that gives away all of the money it raises. Our club supports so many things that are important to the success of our community, from our 2 food pantries to scholarships for graduating seniors to scouting organizations and more. And every dollar we raise is given away. Now, I realize if you don’t live in my town this might not matter so much to you, but I believe things that are good for one community are good for all. Maybe one of our scholarship recipients will go on to make a major medical break through that will change the world! Plus, as an added incentive, anyone who buys a cash calendar because of this blog post will be added to a drawing for a special yarn-y something from me.
Thanks for indulging me with this post as I suggest you spend money for something that is near and dear to my heart. One more time, here’s the link!
If you wrote a post for this Thursday, please include your link below and thanks for playing along.
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The calendar Seems like a wonderful idea and for a good cause. Glad I could help support the Kiwanis. Have a lovely Thursday.
This is a fun pandemic fundraiser. I have an idea I’ll write to you about.
What a great fundraising idea, Carole! I’m IN . . . although you won’t have to worry about any of your $$$ heading back to me. I’m terribly unlucky when it comes to raffles, door prizes, any games of chance at all. (My sister, though? She could very well be That Person who wins every day. . . ) XO
That was ez…. I’m in! 🙂
Done! (Although it said my donation had been canceled when I went back to the Kiwanis website — looks like it went through okay, though!) I’m sure I won’t win a thing because I have terrible luck in raffles, but I’m happy to support a good cause.
OK, I have done my thing. Hope you get credit for selling so many cash calendars, Carole!
I’m happy to support the Kiwanis. They are a great organization that supports local communities in very necessary ways. Thanks for sharing, Carole!
What a great idea! … and thank you for making it SO easy to donate 🙂
This is a great idea for an online fund raiser!
Such a great organization. Happy to help out!