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Wednesday Are For Knitting: The Shift

Friends, I finished The Shift cowl weeks and weeks ago . . . except for sewing up the seam. The seam that’s about 10 inches long. I have no real explanation for my procrastination but needing to blog about something today got me to sit down last night after work and finish it up.

It’s really lovely. The yarn is Spincycle Yarns Dyed in the Wool. I used Rusted Rainbow, Robin’s Egg, and Family Jewels and I got them all from Modern Daily Knitting.

I’m very happy with how they look together and it was super fun to knit. I followed the instructions for color changes to the letter.

I mostly wove in the ends as I went along so there wasn’t a lot of that to do at the end. Thank goodness!

It’s basically a giant kerchief shaped thing which makes it super easy to drape. You want proof, though, don’t you?

There you go. Yesterday was the first day our temps topped 80 ° so I only wore it for a moment. It’s tucked away and ready for fall, though!

Comments (16)

  1. It’s lovely. And who can argue with a fresh handknit for fall, which is a loooong time away? Which is right where we want it.

  2. This is really lovely, Carole, and the colors look great on you. Glad you got over your procrastination

  3. Well done. I started that shawl at least 5 times before I realized it was not the project for me but they sure are pretty.

  4. Oh, I love it!! Those colors are great! I’ve made the shawl, but would love to make the cowl — I think it would get a bit more use.

  5. It’s stunning and looks great on you! But I also hope you don’t have a need to wear it for quite a while!

  6. Nicely done! That looks like a nice pattern. I wonder if we’ll ever see 80 here; recently the temps at night have been in the forties…..

  7. I love your color combo and the finished piece looks great on you … I can only imagine how much better it will look when it’s actually chilly outside!

  8. It is perfection! So glad you finished up that seam . . . just in time to pack it away for the summer. XO

  9. So beautiful! Your colors choices really look great together. Looks perfect on you.

    I’ve finally figured out how to count, and how to remember to increase. 😉 Just started section 4.

    My color choices are Leith, Devilish Grin and Eventide. (Eventide was specially dyed for the yarn shop in the mountains where we’re moving, Black Mountain Yarn.)

    Thanks to you and Kim for starting me down the path of Drea Renee Knits!

  10. Wow! The colors are just beautiful on you. ?
    When I first started knitting I took a Building Blocks class. We knit a different blanket block every month for a year. It then took me another full year to sew the blocks together ?????

  11. Wow! The colors are just beautiful on you. ?
    When I first started knitting I took a Building Blocks class. We knit a different blanket block every month for a year. It then took me another full year to sew the blocks together ?????

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