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Three On Thursday

Friends, it’s hot where I live. Not as hot as the Pacific Northwest. But unseasonably hot for this time of year where I live. As in, we’ve already had 2 official heatwaves and today is the first of July. I’m not really complaining because, as you probably know, I’m a summer girl. But even I don’t love this extreme heat. Today I’m sharing 3 ideas for beating the heat after work . . .

  1. Get yourself an inflatable pool. Of course, this is just for those of us who don’t already have beautiful, inground pools. Seriously, though, inflatable pools have come a long way. You can get one big enough to actually float in, even if you are a grown up! And sitting down in that pool with a cold beer after work does wonders. Trust me.
  2. Don’t plan on doing chores or anything strenuous when you get home from work. If you’re going to exercise, do it early. If you’ve got errands to run or weeding to do (don’t even ask me about the weed situation we came home to last Saturday . . . it made me want to weep) or anything that involves physical exertion, do it before work. You aren’t going to want to do much of anything after work because the heat just saps all the energy right out of you. Give yourself permission to huddle inside, reading a book or knitting or doing some other passive thing. Preferably close to the AC or a fan.
  3. Take your mind off the heat by watching a movie that’s set in the winter. Dr. Zhivago comes to mind. But there’s also Christmas in July over on Hallmark and plenty of other cold weather movies (or books or shows to stream) to help you forget the current situation. I’m not saying watching The Shining will have you drinking hot chocolate (stick with beer) but it might just trick you into thinking it’s cooler.

Those are my top 3 ideas for cooling down this July. They’re relatively obvious but that doesn’t mean they won’t inspire you to try them out.

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Comments (13)

  1. Thanks, Carole! We had thunderstorms last night and more today, so hopefully that will take cool things down a bit. I ended up having to mow yesterday when it was 98 and could have used that pool!

  2. We have some very welcome rain overnight that is still here this morning. And one extra thing for your list, don’t forget the water! Staying hydrated is super important in the heat!

  3. Great keeping-cool ideas! I love the idea of a floaty-pool … and I’m trying to figure out just how to incorporate one into my garden! (And the weeds. I can’t even. . . ) XO

  4. Wear terrible heat, hello 100° in June! That was weirdly followed by highs in the 60s.

    For folks without a/c, my favorite trick when that was my life was to shower just before bed. Then, toss a towel on your pillow to protect it and jump in bed with your hair wet. The evaporation as your hair dries is very cooling like going outside in winter without a hat.

  5. I love the long days of summer but not the heat, and it’s been miserable here. A big inflatable pool to soak in sounds divine!

  6. Excellent suggestions, Carole. I also suggest reading a book set in Alaska or some other northern climate in the wintertime. I savor these reads during the hot summer months.

  7. The weeds! I love the idea of the floaty pool too…I’ll bet Boone would be joining me though! 🙂

  8. Fun ideas that would have come in handy a couple of days ago when the temperature was 108.9, but thankfully it has cooled off, and we’ve even seen some clouds! (I did finish a pair of socks though during the heat!)

  9. those are great ideas! I also love frozen drinks. and fans. there is something about a breeze blowing across me that just feels cool.

  10. We’ve had unusually hot weather, too, plus ghastly humidity! Great tips for getting through it. There must be a front barreling through, though, as tomorrow’s temp is predicted to be 25 degrees less than today — low 60s! So weird… it’s a little unsettling.

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