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Currently: April 2023

Let’s do a mid-month check in on what’s going on around here right now . . .

Knitting: Socks. I am knitting the toe of sock #2! However, the heel on sock #1 is wonky. I can’t figure out why but the gauge is way off so I think I will be ripping back the foot of sock #1 and re-knitting the heel. In other words, the finish line just got moved pretty far forward.

Reading with my eyes: Murder in a Cape Cottage, a cozy mystery that’s serving as something light given that I’ve been reading some heavier books lately.

Reading with my ears: Inciting Joy. There’s so much good in this latest from Ross Gay.

Watching: Daisy Jones & the Six. We have 2 episodes left and it’s so good!

Recommending: Maintenance Phase, a terrific podcast that debunks diet culture and the wellness industry.

Planning: Meals for camping! I like to do as much at home as I can to keep things simple while we’re away. I’m debating bringing the Instant Pot for some fix it and forget it dinners.

Remembering: My brother. Last week was the 40th anniversary of his death and that just doesn’t seem possible.

Loving: Costco. We’ve had a membership for ages but just don’t get there very often. We went the other day, though, because Dale needs new glasses and the savings were great.

Celebrating: Town Meeting approved a new roof and painting the outside of my library last night. It passed easily and I’m grateful and excited to know this work is going to be done in the next fiscal year.

And that’s it for me. What’s going on in your world right now?

Comments (8)

  1. It’s hard to believe April is almost half over! We finished Daisy Jones last night and wow, the last episode was fantastic! Neither Marc nor I read the book and I wonder how closely the TV matched the book?!

  2. Thanks for the podcast recommendation! I’m going to check it out. The non-dieticians are stressing me out on IG about food labels. I’m not sure who to believe!

  3. I have queued up Maintenance Phase to listen… thank you for the recommendation. And I am so happy your town supports the library… sadly, that is not a given these days!

    Good luck on the sock knitting!

  4. We loved Daisy Jones. 🙂 I’m excited to hear about your camping adventures! (But somehow the words “Insta-Pot” and “camping” seem at odds to me. LOL.) XO

  5. Even though your sock finish has been delayed, it will be better to re-knit the wonky heel so they actually get worn. Daisy Jones was good for me to knit to; I didn’t have to pay too much attention but it was still entertaining. I hope this weather continues for your camping trip!

  6. I’m up to my happy eyeballs researching yarns and patterns to knit for our first grandbaby, a little cutie we had loooong ago given up hoping for!

  7. I watched the first episode of Daisy Jones & the Six and then kind of forgot about it — I really must watch the rest! I hope if you have any amazing meals for the camper that you’ll share them. I don’t camp, but in the summer, I am all about a fast, easy meal.

  8. I guess I’m in the minority concerning Daisy Jones. The ending really annoyed me — considering what had gone before it was a bit too “pat” and convenient for me. And I thought the music was rather forgettable. There was a GREAT movie made in 1998 or 99 about a 70s rock band attempting to make a comeback called “Still Crazy.” Fantastic cast! The bandmates were played by Bill Nighy, Stephen Rea, Timothy Spall, and Jimmy Nail. Billy Connolly played their roadie.

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