Maybe we all need to be more like Fred and George. Get cozy with a…
A Mid-Week Update
Hello, my friends.
I did not mean to disappear for quite so long. In fact, I wasn’t even planning to take all of last week off but one thing lead to another . . . visiting relatives . . . planning a funeral luncheon . . . feeling overwhelmed with sadness . . . and I decided to extend to myself the grace I would extend to literally anyone else and I gave myself permission to wait and blog this past Monday.
And then on Saturday night I started coughing and feeling . . . not great. On Sunday I tested positive for Covid. As of today I know of 10 people who attended my father-in-law’s wake on Friday night who also have Covid. And given that there were hundreds there, well, I’m sure that number is higher than I know.
I have mostly felt like poop, running a low grade and sometimes higher fever, coughing and sneezing and very congested. I have rested and done things from my couch . . . played Animal Crossing, read Outlander, and watched lots (and lots) of Grey’s Anatomy. Today is the first day that I’ve felt truly better. Still not well but definitely improving.
If nothing else befalls me I’ll be back on Monday with tales of camping and processing grief and Jackie starting kindergarten and more. Take good care!
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Oh ugh! I hope you are on the mend soon! I have been thinking of all of you so much these past days. I will continue to hold you all close in my heart! XO
Oh, Carole, I am so sorry to hear this! Grief, visiting family, and Jack’s funeral are quite a lot to cope with, but to get covid on top of it all is awful. I hope you are beginning to feel better, but be sure to give yourself all the time and space you need to deal with everything. Sending you all the healing juju and virtual hugs!
Yeah…as I wrote to you yesterday, it is just NOT fair that you are now dealing with Covid on top of everything else. Hoping you are fully recovered pronto and back to doing what you love to do. Take care and take as much time as you need.
Sending healing and peaceful thoughts your way. I’m so sorry you had to deal with Covid on top of everything else. Take care of yourself.
I’m so sorry you have to deal with COVID on top of everything else! I hope that you will begin to feel better soon, but don’t rush things, take time for yourself to heal.
Sorry for all that you’re going through. Feel better soon and continue to give yourself grace.
oh my! just when you think it must all be ENOUGH, here’s one more thing. glad you’re starting to feel better (at least from COVID) and sending all the best wishes for returning to health and being able to enjoy your favorite month!! xxoo
Sounds like you’ve had a really tough week or two. So sorry to hear that you got COVID on top of everything else. Hope you are feeling lots better soon! Take care.
I’m glad you’re starting to feel better and hope your recuperation is full and speedy.
I’m so sorry that on top of everything else you’re also dealing with COVID! I hope you’re soon feeling better — push the fluids and get plenty of rest! And certainly don’t worry at all about blogging until you’re feeling up to it.
Carole I’m sorry that you are not feeling well. It seems like Covid is hitting a lot of people lately. I hope you feel better soon.
Yikes! Feel better soon!
I hope you feel better soon. You had a lot going on and then to get covid, hope you are resting and relaxing.
Oh no! It seems to be exploding right now. I love that you gave yourself the time and grace to take a break here. It’s important. Rest up friend xo.
Rest, my friend. XO
Rest and let your body (and spirit) recover.
When it rains, it pours. Ugh. Hope you and all the others are better soon. I think when we’re depleted in every way, as grief does, we’re more vulnerable to every bug around. I hope you are well enough to go camping and enjoy it. I suspect that will be healing in many ways. My continued good thoughts for you and your family.
Oh my, please take all the time you need to feel better. We’ve had so many friends and family come down with Covid in the last few weeks. Thankfully we are up to date on our vaccinations including boosters, but I’m going to start wearing my masks when I go into crowded places again. Can’t be too careful.
The important thing is kindness for yourself. You already know that, but I wish I could bring you chicken soup (would it be silly to bring you MY chicken soup when you’re a better cook?) LOL Please take extra care of you and your sweet soul. My heart is with you. xox
What a lot to bear, topped off with COVID – contracted at a funeral rite. How grossly unfair. And scary that it’s back.
But your grandson starting kindergarten! Soon he’ll be bringing home that artwork to hang on your fridge!
Aw, darn. That’s a lot.
Jackie in kindergarten has to give you boost! Malina is, too!
Alot’s been happening. Hopefully you’ll be recovered from COV soon and still sad about your dear dad-in-law’s recent death.
I am so sorry for everything you had piled on your plate… and then to top it off with Covid — Yuk!
Sounds like you are taking are of yourself, though – good. On the other hand, your zinnias are gorgeous! So colorful!