I'm going to warn you right now, the photos in this post are all of…
Weekend Glimmers, January 12th-15th, 2024
Glimmers . . . moments that spark joy, contentment, and peace, making me feel that all is well and I am right where I belong . . .
It was a long weekend and that meant more time to enjoy . . .
Attending a first birthday party for our friend’s granddaughter. There’s something really wonderful about watching your friends become grandparents and seeing how much joy this new role brings them. And also remembering their daughter at this very age and marveling at how much her daughter looks just like she did. There’s family and then there are friends who are family. You know?
Spending time in my studio (yes, I’m calling it that) and working on my journals. Reading. Knitting.
Watching Fred & George play . . . and sleep. They love to chase a little red light across the floor (and up the walls) when we use the penlight. And then they love to sleep by the fire when they are tired out.
Seasoning and using my new wok. I haven’t had a wok in probably 30 years and I’m looking forward to expanding our menu options with this new kitchen tool.
I hope you had a weekend that left you feeling satisfied.
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There is something so calming andn soothing about watching a cat sleep – especially in front of a fire. Your shrim stir fry looks yummy, but I’d really love to see the 1 year old’s dress – it looks so cute splayed out on the high chair!
There are few things as joyful as a child’s first birthday party, and it’s even better when the child is someone special. That little one is adorable, and I’m sure it was a bit bittersweet to think about her mother at the same age.
Stay warm!
I think that Sherman would get along with Fred and George incredibly well. He loves the red spot on the floor… almost as much as he loves to sleep! (and he LOVES sleeping in front of a fire, as we learned at the Airbnb we stay at!)
A lovely long weekend, Carole, with tIme for others, time for yourself, It sounds very balanced! My weekend was full of angst with single digit temps here in the south, where we are woefully unprepared for this type of weather. I shoveled snow and worried about pipes, but so far, so good.
What wonderful glimmers, Carole! And that veggie-heavy dinner looks FABulous! (I’ve never had a wok.) And YAY for time in your STUDIO!!!! XOXO
I had a wok for 30 years or so, but in a dumb move, I gave it away in one of my great kitchen cleanouts. I have tried making the same stir-fry dishes in my dutch oven but it’s really not the same!
Your shrimp stir fry sure looks good! I’m glad you had a glimmer filled weekend!
Mmmm, shrimp. That stir fry looks sooo good!
friends who are family … and family who are friends = just the best!