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Weekend Glimmers, April 5th – 7th, 2024

Glimmers . . . moments that spark joy, contentment, and peace, making me feel that all is well and I am right where I belong . . .

I had a lovely weekend full of fun and relaxation and volunteerism. I managed to capture some of it in photos, too.

A full body selfie from Saturday morning. Posting this is a giant step forward for my body neutrality work. Also, apparently I don’t know where to look when I’m taking a mirror selfie.

The highlight of the weekend was taking my friend Jo-Ann out for brunch to celebrate her birthday. We went to our favorite brunch spot, we haven’t been there in ages and it was great to be back. We started with this citrus focaccia and it was incredible!

We both got the chicken & waffles benedict. I’m pretty sure it’s what we always get and it did not disappoint. It’s rich and delicious and decadent and definitely worthy of a birthday celebration. Not pictured: the bacon bloody Mary we each had.

Fred & George love to help me when I’m doing computer work, as evidenced by this photo. Seriously, they can ignore me for hours and then suddenly turn up when I’m trying to actually get something done. You’ve gotta love cats.

Great moments not pictured:

a successful Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast. (And by successful I mean that we had a good turn out and made lots of money. And also that Dale and I won 3 great raffle prizes.)

homemade mini chicken pot pies. They were really cute and I’m annoyed that I blacked out and started scarfing mine down before taking a photo. There’s hope, though, because I made 4 and that means we will be having the other 2 tomorrow night.

I hope you had a weekend that was just what you wanted.

Comments (11)

  1. First . . . what a great selfie! I adore your jeans, Carole! They look just fabulous. Second . . . I am so jealous about your brunch with Jo-Ann! The citrus focaccia? Oh, my mouth is watering here! Last . . . I’m so glad you had such a DELIGHTful weekend!

  2. That photo is a 70s flashback! And I need to hear about orange focaccia?! Looking forward to photographic evidence of those pot pies. Happy Monday!

  3. Another cheer for that stylish selfie! I do really LOVE those jeans and you look just so gorgeous! And I am now thinking about Bacon Bloody Mary’s… yum! Here is to a great Monday and an even greater week! XO

  4. That is a great selfie, wherever you’re looking! And such a terrific breakfast. I would be happy to celebrate my birthday with any one of those delicious items!

  5. Oooh, I’m looking forward to those chicken pot pie photos!! Honestly, one of my favorite foods, even back in the day when I only knew frozen pies from Swanson’s!

  6. Oh I hope you can post the recipe for the pot pies (or a link) as that is one of my favorite foods!

  7. Sounds like it was an especially delicious weekend! I have to say that brunch is my favorite meal, and now I have to remember to request a birthday brunch next year. Also chicken pot pies sound amazing and take me back to my childhood (though I’m guessing yours were much tastier than the frozen ones I had as a kid).

  8. Love the selfie Carole and the jeans! Brunch sounds a-mazing! Great weekend for sure.

  9. Carole,
    I think that photo is fabulous, but I hardly recognized you. Maybe the first time I have seen you not smiling? You look great, and boy is your hair getting long. Good for you, but you have nothing to fear about how you look!

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