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Birthday Camping, 2024

It did indeed rain all day Friday and Saturday and on Saturday the rain was particularly heavy. In light of that, and because I really wanted a daytime campfire, we made the command decision to stay over Sunday night, too. This is truly one of the big benefits of (a) camping close to home so we could both still work on Monday and (b) having the cats with us and not have to worry about them being home alone for another night.

That’s my Subaru and our fire pit on Saturday morning. As I mentioned, it rained. A lot.

And yet it was a fun and relaxing weekend in spite of the weather. Or maybe even because of it. There was little to do except read and rest, eat delicious food, play games, listen to music, and hang out.

Dale made me fried dough for breakfast on my birthday. He really only makes this when we are camping and I’m glad we had it one last time this season.

I originally planned a pot roast for dinner that night (I like the slow cooker when we’re camping) but when we decided to stay on Sunday I pushed that off for a day and we got pizza and salad for dinner instead. Listen, we aren’t boondocking it on these trips. There’s a full shopping area with stores and restaurants only 10 minutes away.

Fred & George were with us, as I said, and I love having them around. But. The meowing in the middle of the night is intense. And annoying. There’s no escaping it since our camper is literally just one big box and I’m not sure how to address it. I’ve read that cats meow in the night if they are lonely or bored. They aren’t lonely but I think they are bored. They never do this at home because if they are awake in the night they have a whole house to roam around in and play but in the camper, well, it’s pretty limited. Maybe we just need to bring more toys for them.

I got my campfire on Sunday. We had snacks and wine and I read September for a bit. It was the perfect setting for that cozy book, I’ll tell you that.

Huge props to this guy for making it all happen for me. He does so much work to set up and tear down and all of the outside yucky stuff in between. I’m grateful for all he does but never more so than when we are camping.

Comments (8)

  1. Sounds like a great,if slightly soggy weekend. I like your version of camping, pizza ten minutes away!

  2. Maybe that’s why I didn’t enjoy camping much when I was younger; we were eating burnt marshmallows and hotdogs that had fallen off our stick and landed in the fire. Your way sounds much better! I’m sorry about the rain and also envious. We had clouds and 22 sprinkles yesterday.

  3. Ugh… it’s memories of rainy camping trips that had me swearing it off for decades! Your camper sure is cozy, though, and you both know how to make the best of things! Glad you were able to get your daytime campfire.

  4. Whenever it’s a rainy time up north and we’re stuck indoors at our cabin we always say . . . “At least we’re not camping.” Because, to me, there is nothing more miserable than being in a tent or camper on a rainy weekend! Luckily, you guys have learned to make the best of things — and your camper is cozy and warm and nice and dry — and you have electricity! (We never had electricity when we camped . . . ) I’m glad you had a good birthday celebration – with a daytime campfire, despite the weather.

  5. It’s so nice that you had the flexibility to stay another night and get your campfire in! It’s a shame the cats can’t read, or you could leave out some books for them when they get bored in the middle of the night.

  6. I am ever so glad you have the flexibility to stay another night! That is perfection (well, almost… that rain, oy!) And I am chuckling at Sarah’s reading suggestion for the cats! LOL I mean… why not!

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