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Wildcard Wednesday: Create Your Perfect Day

Sometimes when I see fun little graphics in Instagram stories I save the for a day when I don’t have anything in particular to share with you all. And today is one of those days friends.

Let’s create a perfect day. And allow me to say that I think the genre category on this thing is extremely flawed. If I had created it the categories would be: historical fiction, contemporary/literary fiction, and mystery/thriller. Feel free to sub in one of those if romance, fantasy, and horror aren’t your jam.

For me, I would choose (this is like playing Clue!):

Drinking tea while reading contemporary fiction in a park on an e-book.

I’d love for you to tell me in the comments which thing you would choose in each category to create your perfect day.

Comments (14)

  1. Enjoying coffee while perusing contemporary literature at the library to check out in a nice new hardcover. (Fun Carole!)

  2. Drinking ice cold lemonade while reading a cozy mystery in a rocker on an old fashioned covered porch in paperback. And there’s no humidity or annoying bugs to bother me. Vacation aspirations.

  3. Hmmmm. There are so many ways to design a perfect day . . . I think I’ll choose to enjoy a latte at a cafe reading a hard copy of a literary fiction title I just picked up from the library this time. (Although I think it’s pretty darn wonderful to enjoy a glass of wine on my own patio while I read something on my Kindle, too.)

  4. Hmm, so many ways to read a book that will make a perfect day. But for fall, I would pick drinking a glass of really good wine on my screened in porch in late afternoon while reading literary fiction on my Kindle. It looks like very few of us could follow the categories above!

  5. My perfect day would be having one of the literay fiction books I have on hold come in at the library and reading it out on my patio while enjoying an iced tea!

  6. I’d be drinking (decaf) coffee reading–none of the choices but maybe a fantasy mystery or something like that. It would probably be in a park (because I people-watch too much in a cafe) and on an ereader.

  7. I could go many ways with this! Drinking coffee while reading literary fiction (on paper) in a cafe. Or drinking tea while reading historical fiction on Kindle in the library. Or drinking water while listening to a mystery on audio while walking in the park. Really I am happy to read in any format and anywhere, with or without a beverage!

  8. Drinking tea, reading literary fiction (or really good non-fiction) on my Kindle, on my couch (and I just might do all that this afternoon)!

  9. I would pick drinking wine on my porch while reading either contemporary fiction or a cozy mystery on my e reader.
    I know some of those aren’t on the list of choices, lol, but that’s what I’d like.
    This really IS like Clue!

  10. Drinking some iced tea, reading a good thriller either out at a park or bench over looking the water or in the den with my cat in book form though I do also like ebook.

  11. Hot cup of coffee, reading a good mystery, in my recliner at night and on my side porch (weather permitting).

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