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Monday’s Picture

So I’m on vacation for the next two weeks.  I’m home this week and then next week is our annual trip to Cape Cod.  In the interest of spending less time on the computer and more time knitting, spinning, hanging out and all that good stuff, I’m going to take a slightly different approach to blogging this week.  The plan is to post a picture (or two) every day of someplace I’ve been or something I’ve seen or something I’ve done.  Sort of like Eye Candy Friday but on the other days of the week.

Let’s start with this one.

bridge street hills

This is the backyard of one of our fellow Kiwanians and the site of a really fun Kiwanis cook out last week.  My vacation is already off to a great start!

This Post Has 22 Comments

  1. Hey, a picture’s worth a thousand words, right? Enjoy your vacation, and happy fiber time!

  2. Enjoy your vacation time, Carole. I think I will like this approach to blogging, as my brain is not up for much more than looking at the pretty pictures.

  3. Where do you vacation on the Cape? Same
    spot every year? Same beach? Same rental?
    I am just full of questions!!!! I cannot wait
    until Sept to head up there. Have a great
    vacation and hopefully the weather will be much better than it has been this summer. We
    always vacationed at the Cape the first 2 wks
    of August and had the best weather. Happy

  4. Your photos are wonderful – how kind of you to share with us your insights and views (either verbally or literally). I know you will enjoy your vacation as you have a love for life.

  5. 2 weeks…. I am so jealous! I can’t even squeeze 2 days in a row out of the office lately.

    Enjoy and and take lots of pics to share!

  6. Enjoy your vacation!!!! I will look forward to the photos everyday…

    Have a wonderful time and have a drink for me while you are looking at the ocean!!!

  7. doesn’t “vacation” mean that you also get a break from the blog needs????? Check it out, my friend…. being disconnected can be relaxing!!!!
    We love you and aren’t going anywhere. promise.
    nice photo btw.

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