Maybe we all need to be more like Fred and George. Get cozy with a…
Naughty Kitty!
You know that picture from the other day? The one with my cat, Mason, looking all cute sitting in my lap? Well, it should have a big red circle and line through it because yesterday he was very naughty. Apparently, he was not pleased with the lack of attention he received Tuesday night while I was working on the clappy. So, yesterday, he pulled said clappy out of the basket where I store my works in progress. He then proceeded to spread it out, got himself all comfy on it and went to sleep. When Dale got home yesterday, there was Mason, sound asleep in the middle of my knitting project. Dale, being Super-Husband, picked it all up and promptly forgot to tell me about it until last night during dinner. I rushed through the rest of my dinner to see what horrors Mason had wreaked on my project. He had pulled out about 20 stitches! Thankfully, that was the only damage and I was able to fix it quickly and without too much stress. Needless to say, when I left for work today, the basket with the clapotis was safely stored in a different room. Cats are resourceful, though, and I wouldn’t put it past Mason to go in search of more trouble!
Last night our regularly scheduled quilting program was interrupted by a Longaberger basket party, so I brought my socks along with me. I finished the heel and I’m working on the gusset now. Lois was knitting a sweater for Halle and Sharon D. was knitting a sweater for a baby-to-be. I think the Hungry Quilters are going to have to change their name to the Hungry Knitsters if this keeps up! Sharon H. had lots of yummy snacks, including some Longaberger spreads for crackers, and cheese, and cookies and fruit and veggies with dip. Of course, I had some of everything and I bought two baskets. So I shopped, I knitted and I ate. Not a bad night a’tall.
Knit on!
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Hi! I just found your blog via Missa/midnight knitter & wanted to say hello, since I’m a Carole who knits also! AND I’m under 60– not many Carol(e)s under 60.
I just read your 100 things– my mom died in 1993 and I miss her every day, too.