Twenty years ago today, on a cold Saturday morning, I found myself home alone. Hannah…
We Are the (Knit)World
If I write a post about the knitblogging community will it distract you from the lack of knitting content? I hope so.
I need to tell you that I am awestruck at how connected this community of knitbloggers is and I’ve only been part of it since January. I have met great people and been inspired by their knitting projects. I have read posts that have made me laugh and made me cry and made me want to be just like that knitter when I grow up. Risa and I had a discussion about our connectivity a couple of weeks ago — we confided in each other just how much we think about all y’all as we go about our daily business. It’s pretty cool to think that knitters in California and Utah and Canada and Wisconsin are all thinking about each other, isn’t it?
And part of thinking about each other is being there for each other and helping out. When Claudia was seeking pledges for her MS Ride many of us responded. Stephanie has used her blog to inspire knitters to pledge thousands of dollars to MSF. It has recently come to our attention, thanks to Claudia, that Emma needs to raise funds for her son Oliver’s care and comfort. Oliver’s Button is really cute! Go click on it over at Emma’s blog to make a donation.
There are ways to connect without donating money, too. Many of us were saddened by the tragic accident that claimed the life of Kerstin’s brother-in-law. Annie took inspiration from that sadness and set up the John Glick Afghan Project. She’s accepting afghan squares until October 15, 2005 and there’s even yarn available if you don’t have your own. There might be prizes, too, if you need a little inspiration!
The thing I’ve realized is that knitters are amazing and friendly people. I guess people that love wool can’t help but love other people who love wool. Just look at this group. (you knew I couldn’t post an entry without at least one picture, even if it is from 3 months ago!)
These grrls had known me for about 30 seconds and treated me like a long lost friend. I was too overwhelmed and shy to appreciate it then, but just wait until next time!
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This is a very tight knit group even though we are scattered over thousands of miles. Isn’t it just the best!?
Awesome isn’t it?!! 🙂
I’ve resurfaced. Thanks for your comment a while back. The blog world is a nice thing to be a part of.
Great post, Carole. And so true. Thanks for the mention of the blanket project. 🙂
Hi Carole, the yarn in the martini glass is actually ultramerino4 from artyarns, not the aqua melon from Knitterly Things….nice piece today.
Great post!! And so true —
What a great post! And thanks for including me as a friend. I am always amazed when I think about the great friends that I have made through knitting and blogging. Making my solitary passion a shared obsession, connecting with people that get it and then move past it to entertain, share, support, and befriend each other is the best.
BTW-I barely noticed the lack of knitting content. At least you are posting. Me? Not so much….:)
Nice post mommy!I see you have your “extreme knitter” button,congratulations!I will call you soon,hopefully you are enjoying the new jeep.Love ya!