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What I Did On My Summer Vacation

In honor of the first day of school , I present a picture essay of the highlights of my summer.

Ah, yes. There’s nothing quite like a lunch made by a stay-at-home (in the summer, at least) husband. This was just one of many lunches that Dale and I enjoyed together. I especially, enjoyed it since he prepared, served, and cleaned up. I ate and knit.

I went to a local baseball game. Nothing fancy but the tickets are cheap, the beer is cheap and the food is cheap. Are you picking up on the theme? Cheap baseball=good time.

Striper fishing didn’t occur until Labor Day and, alas, I still haven’t caught a keeper. This is Dale’s keeper and it measured 30″ long. The closest I came was 26″ (they have to be 28″ to keep ’em) so once again, always a bridesmaid, never a bride.

And what would a picture essay be without Ambrynn? I spent a good part of the summer hanging out with the cutest baby ever!

Hope you enjoyed the show!

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Ooooooo… sandwiches look yummy.

    Glad you had a great summer, and here’s hoping for a glorious fall!

  2. Oh! So sad to see summer go! Yours looked fun and relaxing. BTW-Do I see the image of a knitting Goddess of all things Fibery on one of those sandwich halves? You didn’t eat it did you!?

  3. Fun pictures! Ambrynn is adorable – and if it makes you feel any better, I have only ever caught one fish, and it wasn’t even the size of my hand, let alone the size of that monster – and I made my dad throw it back because I was afraid it couldn’t breathe. I know. I’m a fishing wimp.

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