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Jaywalkers the Second

Last Friday, Dale, Hannah, and I went into Boston for the day. We were hoping to see some preliminary First Night ice sculptures, but they weren’t ready yet. We did, however, visit the Frog Pond and watch the ice skaters. The Jaywalker socks enjoyed the scenery and hardly laughed at all when people fell on the ice.


We hiked over to Downtown Crossing, with a brief stop at Windsor Button, of course. Did some shopping at Barnes and Nobles and DSW and then jaywalked over to Fanueil Hall for a late lunch/early dinner at Cheers. How cool is it that I actually jaywalked, in Boston, with these socks in my bag? It really got me into the spirit of the pattern, if you know what I mean.

Anyway, I finished this pair of Jaywalkers last night. These are for me and I love them.



Anyone notice anything unusual about these photos?

Comments (38)

  1. Cool, you hit the same places I hit most Saturdays! I haven’t gotten into making socks just yet; but, when I do, you can bet I’ll show them where your socks have been. lol

  2. Oh, I love those Jaywalkers – they turned out perfectly. Um, unusual about the photos… What’s that under your feet???

  3. Love the Jaywalkers – for some reason mine are dragging on and on a few more days and hopfully I’ll be done. Look at that wheel….woo hoo – another convert! (oh and I did mistype my email addy in the form duh!)

  4. Another wheel? Gads. Looks like Cara’s pose on her Lendrum, except you’ve got socks on your feet.

  5. Nice socks!

    Thanks for your comment the other day. I’ve been home nursing a sick child for the past few days and haven’t had a chance to be on the computer. Anyway, I appreciate the support.


  6. Wow! That colorway reminds me of Rainbow Sherbert. Oh, great! Now I’m hungry…gee, thanks!

    Great ice skating pic!

  7. You mean the wheel is supposed to be considered unusual? Huh…from what I’ve seen around the blogs this year, a fiber blogger showing off a new spinning wheel is an ordinary, everyday occurrence!


    Regardless, congrats on the new wheel. And it sounds like you had a fun day in Boston, too!

  8. Carole that’s hillarious that you jaywalked with your jaywalker socks! GRIN I’ve got to start a pair of JW’s for myself. I’m feeling left out! LOL!

  9. I love your Jaywalkers. It IS a great pattern.
    What is your yarn? It is very very pretty! I am thinking that you went to the “real” Cheers?!

  10. Well..duh..if I had clicked on the link ( sorry I didn’t realize it was a link) before I asked the question then I would have had the answer about CHEERS. Really sounds like a great day.

  11. What a fun post! Now, as for something unusual… as La says, socks at the wheel are getting commonplace, LOL. Glad you are spinning up a storm in your newly clad feet 🙂

  12. I love the Jaywalkers… what yarn is that?? I really love how it striped up in the JW pattern!

    And since I’m late in commenting – I already know it’s a new wheel – congrats!!

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