A is for Avatar

Tagged by JenLa to create the Ugliest Avatar, I present:

Yahoo! Avatars

See that look on her face? She just found out that the frog beside her is just that. A frog. The kiss she planted on his head didn’t do anything but give her warts. He’s no handsome prince.

So, the romantic evening in the park and the ride off into the sunset? Ka-Put.

It’s enough to make even an avatar princess turn ugly.

Comments (16)

  1. At first I thought she had a cigarette in her mouth and I almost fell out of my chair. That LOOK. Does kind of shake up the pretty pretty princess idea, doesn’t it?

  2. Now, THAT is fugly.

    On a side note, it’s the most bizarre thing — Firefox is supposed to be the “best,” no? And it will NOT let me view any of these Avatar thingies. I have to change browsers to see them. Odd.

    I spoze I must do one of these. It’s not like I have any WORK to do or anything. NOT.

  3. and she gets a urinary tract infection from riding bareback off into the sunset …. or pubic lice or something …..

  4. haha it does look like she’s got a bud hanging out of her mouth.

    maybe the prince chose not to show himself. or her kiss was not enchanted

  5. OMG it really does look like she’s smoking and grimacing at the same time. I say she should become a hermit and knit away her pain warts and all!

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