I told myself last Friday that if my hair came out good I'd put on…
B is for Bloggers
I’ll bet you all thought my “B” entry in the ABC-Along would be books, didn’t you? It was going to be . . . until yesterday. Yesterday was a knit blogger’s nirvana. You see, Claudia hosted a gathering of knitters, spinners and bloggers at her home. You know what I’m going to say, right?
It was the best time ever! Ever. Ever. Ever.
Blogless Sharon and I went together and right there you know the day is going to be good. When we turned onto Claudia’s street, I told Sharon what the directions said about house color, number, etc. Then I looked up and saw the cars. Oh my. Let’s just say we didn’t have any trouble figuring out which house was Claudia’s.
I met up again with dear friends and made new ones as well. It was fabulous to see Norma again! That girl lights up a room just by being in it, even if she can’t cook a steak. And my Magic Loop buddies, Julia and Cate, were there! And Sandy, who made really great Swedish meatballs for everyone. And Kathy, who made low fat macaroni and cheese that was really very good. Of course, Stitchy and Kellee and Wendy were all there. And I got to meet Maryse! And Beth and Cindy and Judy and Lauren. It was fun to see Teresa again, too. She, of course, was swatching for Crossed in Translation. I talked to Marcy, who is sadly blogless, and she showed me a great trick for plying on Lucy. Also in attendance was the Queen of the Jaywalkers (no, not Cara) but the pattern designer, Miss Grumperina herself. What fun to meet her and model my Jaywalkers for her!
I know I’m leaving out tons of people and I’m sorry. Go ahead and leave me a comment and chew me out. I can handle it.
Claudia’s living room was overflowing with knitters, spinners, yarn and fiber. There were people on couches, people sitting in chairs and covering every available inch of floor space.
It seemed like everyone brought multiple projects and bags were spilling over with charts and needles and yarn. Claudia arranged a yarn/fiber swap in her fiber room and there was stuff all over the floor. I brought a big ole bag of yarn and I know Laura was pleased with at least a couple of my discards. I only brought home a small ball of fiber and some Sugar ‘n Cream cotton for dishcloths. You know how I like to keep my stash small and manageable. 😉
So we ate and we drank (great Sangria, Stitchy) and knitted and ate some more and talked and talked and talked. And boy did we laugh! And we shared stories of knitting disasters and triumphs. There were Rogues and Everyday Cardigans and Jaywalkers galore! Several of us were knitting for the Red Scarf Project and we just had to take a picture of our scarves together.
Sadly by the time we organized this Norma had already headed for home. Sorry Norma, but you were with us in spirit then.
If you weren’t there, you were missed and I guarantee we talked about you. In a good way, of course. I hope you can tell by my enthusiasm just how much fun it all was. I feel so blessed to have made some true friends through my blog and there’s something magical that happens when we get together. Thank you, Claudia, from the bottom of my heart, for organizing this day, for opening your home, for being an inspiration. Can’t wait ’til next time!
Comments (36)
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Wow – what a blast. Sounds like a good time, and Claudia is so brave to host all you crazy folks 😉
Oh, that is such a wonderful description and captures the essence of the event perfectly! I’m glad you had a few pics, and I’m sorry we didn’t pull the red scarves together while I was still there. Heaven knows WE TRIED, eh? 😉
Hugs to Dale!
You and Sharon are so much fun! I totally want to join the “support group.”
So great to meet you and Sharon, you two were cracking me up with the “non-gas pumper” story. Glad you got a picture of the red (or not so red for some) scarves that were being knit. Hope to see you again soon.
It was so nice to meet you, Carole!!! I had no idea that mac & cheese was low fat – SO good. Thanks for the pictures!
It sounds like a blast! (another B word)
Wait – the mac ‘n’ cheese was low fat? Score! It was awesome!
With all the people at Claudia’s yesterday, I didn’t really get a chance to chat with you – but boy it was a fun day!
I am insanely jealous… What a wonderful group of people to have together (most of them are on my blog roll)!
what? your mac and cheese was low fat? excellent!
anyway — it was wonderful meeting you finally. i hope we get to hang out more because you even more nice and fun in person than you are here.
Is that Norma holding the bottle if wine? 😉
It was SUCH fun to meet you! 🙂 I hope it won’t be too long before it happens again. I’ll throw a party myself if need be. 😉
I enjoyed meeting you too! (I think that’s my knee about to hit Cate’s wheel in the top photo). I’m really looking forward to the next gathering like this…
What a great event! I love when bloggers get together it’s always a blast.
That looks like the greatest of fun! You are so lucky!
Carole, thanks so much for coming and for the pictures. Since, um..I don’t exactly have any and some of the day is kind of a blur.
In a good way.
Wait, there was sangria? Damn, missed it. Nice to meet you, Carole!
P. S. There is NO WAY that mac and cheese was low fat. I am totally not buying that.
Dude these knitters can COOK and EAT. It’s unbelievable. I was warm and fuzzy last night. Ya!
… too jealous to speak…
I saw your email and had to rush over to see about “B” and damn woman! I’m jealous. Funny thing but seeing knit bloggers get together and meet has been added to my very long list of why we need to move — I want to have some fun too.
I know for certain that Julia’s (Barefoot Contessa) mac & cheese WAS NOT low-fat. If there was another one around there that was low-fat, I missed it. 😉
Oh yes, that was the perfect description. Wonderful summary. It was a perfect day. And you? YOU? You are very very funny.
what a great time and thank you to all you bloggers who welcomed the blogless with open arms
What fun! Sounds like such a great time, glad you had fun.
Completely sad to have missed it – couldn’t get away this past weekend. Glad you had such fun, though.
I just linked to you for yesterday. Awesome. And thanks for the mac and cheese compliment. It *was* low fat — really! Next time?? (And don’t say SPA — boo hoo).
Your post makes me jealous! I only have one knitting friend in town- I should get together with a group but I never find the time. Your post gives me the incentive to make the effort.
Damn, I need to travel more. You know, there’s this thing in June, here in Colorado that Margene joined me for last year. Wanna visit?
Oh, wow, that looks like so much fun… and a little intimidating!
I am now the most putrid shade of green you can imagine. Can you say JEALOUSY? Sure, I knew you could.
What I wouldn’t give to live somewhere where there were bloggers to meet with! Alas, I am unaware of even one nearby blogger.
Your day sounds so wonderful! Sometime, someday, I’ll find a way to travel for one of these …
What Margene said. Twice.
Lucky you.
Couldn’t find your email to say, Thanks for visiting my site. Sounds like you all had a great time! Seems like a lot of Mass. knitters. Lonely in CT. Cheers!
~~blatant Margene copycat, but heartfelt nonetheless!
I am totally envious, not sure any knit bloggers except Sara (whose blogs supposed to be about weaving anyway) live anywhere NEAR me. I AM tagging you with the fours meme… please forgive me and still come visiting.
I think I’m going to go cry in my coffee now…
In a good way.
Carole – it was nice meeting you on Sunday, and thanks for posting such a great recap (complete with pics!)