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Team Boston Rocks!

The Team Boston Closing Ceremonies Party hosted by Cara was a blast! Like so many of these gatherings, there was knitting and laughing and eating and drinking. And, you know what? You’ll just have to take my word for it because I didn’t take a single picture. Nope. Not one.

I thought about the camera during the fashion show. I thought about it some more when Cara dumped her whole bag of Jaywalker socks on the floor for everyone to admire. I thought about it when I was admiring Lucia’s beautiful Trellis. I even thought about it when Maryse and Stitchy and Grumperina and Wendy and Teresa and Dale and I were still hanging around bugging Cara at the end of the night. But the beer and the chocolate took over my brain and that was the end of all thoughts of the camera.

So, I sat around and gabbed and ate. I didn’t knit a single stitch but I had a blast. And so did Dale, who was in tow mostly because I was leary of driving into an unfamiliar part of the city on my own. But Dale’s a sport and he had fun putting faces with names he recognized from comments on this here blog. On the way home he sheepishly (get it? sheepishly? because we’re all about the sheep here at Carole Knits) admitted that he almost nodded off when we were swapping blog stories, but I’m not sure any of us would have noticed even if he had fallen asleep, we were so busy talking!

To make up for my camnesia yesterday, I do have pictures of the finished Olympic socks. Real pictures, that is, not photoshopped images of various athletes wearing my socks.
IMG_0814.JPG IMG_0810.JPG IMG_0811.JPG IMG_0812.JPG
I wore them for the first time yesterday and the fit is perfect. I’d knit these again in a heart beat.

Comments (41)

  1. Ruth and I had camnesia too. But I will treasure forever the memory of seeing your socks face to foot as they are yet more gorgeous live. And that Dale of yours is a prince.

  2. I love ’em! Camnesia is only a viable excuse when I am at events… if I’m not there I want pictures so I can be jealous of all the fun. (cause you know it’s all about me HA HA)

  3. Those are so fab!!!
    I’m strating to think Boston should host a first annual Knitbloggers Convention!!! (no, I’m not kidding.)

  4. I love the socks and, in a happy coincidence I just got that book so I may try those soon.

    By the way I just noticed the Librarian Knitter net ring listed on your page. Too cool. I’ll have to check that out.

  5. wonderful socks! I just love that pattern!
    I must forbid you folks from having any more parties without pictures…………we need to live vicariously through your social knitting sessions!

  6. Wonderful socks!! And if you folks do host a knitbloggers convention as the other Carole suggested, could you make it a regional thing rather than exclusive to Boston area???

  7. Your socks are beautiful!
    The monitor I use half of the time is really dark and I didn’t even notice that you had photoshoped your socks on the athletes until you flat out said so.

  8. Those sock are lov-er-ly!
    I’m jealous…would love to have been up in my old neck-of-the-woods for the gathering. Sounds like a great time.

  9. That would be *socks*. Don’t you hate it when you hit ‘post’ and then notice some typo right before it disappears?
    (Quickly scanning for typos before I hit ‘post’ again…)

  10. Dale is an incredibly good sport … and a great guy. It was nice to meet him.

    Those are gold-medal winning socks, for sure.

  11. They are just gorgeous! I am going to have to:

    1)Look back through your entries to get the info on the fiber and the pattern for those socks. I lust after them!!

    2)Move to Boston! Ya’ll are just having way too much fun without me!

  12. One of these days I will be crashing one of your parties. Just a little heads-up for ya. 😉

    Your socks are beautiful. Great job Carole!

  13. Clearly, I need to go eastward and crash one of these events. Just wait until you head westward and see one of ours. Heehee!

    I love your socks. I’ve gotta knit those soon.

  14. I love those socks! They are now on my must make list.

    And yep, socks and a sweater – and actually also finished up Bobblious for my cousin – I’m saving that to post about for tomorrow… usually I don’t have so much knitting to talk about!

  15. Oh, Carole, the socks are GORGEOUS!
    And, erm, are you trying to be mean??? ;0
    Girl, you know that I wish I were eating that chocolate with you!

  16. Carole, the socks are beautiful (although it was funny, seeing them on the athletes!).

    Now I have another reason to move to New England area! First there was the party – you know – with the Stash Swapping. And now this! And to top it off, you guys didn’t take pictures!! I need to leave Lancaster – it’s just not an exciting knitting place! No Stash Swapping. No parties. So, um, can you start looking for a house for me 🙂

  17. Well, since you are so eager to knit them again, I think I know a nice girl who would just love a pair!

  18. Heehee, is that Hannah asking Mummy to make her a pair of socks???? What’re you waitin’ for??? Have you cast on yet?

    They’re lovely, but I must admit I liked them better on the athletes. 😉

    Sounds like the party was a blast. Sorry I couldn’t make it, and glad you had a wonderful time — but I do believe it is impossible for you to ever have a bad time. You’re just good like that.

  19. Sometimes “camnesia” is the way to go girl. Being behind the lens if you want to participate can be a pain.

    The socks ROCK!

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