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I is for Inside

We often feel like we really know each other through our blogs and yet most of us have never met face to face. And, really, when you make friends you have them over to your house. You show them your stuff and you sit and chat. Since you can’t all come over to my house, we’re going to try it this way. I is for Inside My House.
Hope you like the looks of things!

This is my kitchen. We did this about 9 years ago and I still love it. While I’d like to replace the countertop with granite, I do love the green color of the formica.

The bay window lets in lots of light and air as all three windows open. And that kitchen table belonged to Dale’s grandmother. I roll out my pie crusts here and feed my family. And I like to think of Dale’s grandmother hovering over and making sure I’m doing it all right.

The dining room is central to most of our other rooms. The kitchen, living room, bathroom (only one, sadly), mud room and computer room are all off the dining room. The table and hutch belonged to my nana and it’s Rock Maple. Heavy stuff, that. And not really my style but I’m stuck with it.

Yes, I made the quilt on the table. That’s actually the backside but I like to flip it over now and again for a bit of variety. And the piano mostly just sits there looking pretty but I can play.

The living room is where we all hang out to watch television. It’s also where most of the knitting and spinning goes on! That big Longaberger basket under the coffee table holds my current knitting projects!

The wood stove keeps up cozy and warm and the artwork is mostly by family members.

So, here’s the bedroom. We searched high and low for that wrought iron bed and finally found it at L.L. Bean about 2 years ago. It’s one of my favorite pieces of furniture that we’ve bought. I made the quilt. And the drapes, too, because it’s so much cheaper to make them than buy them.

There are other rooms, of course. Three bedrooms upstairs and the office which we recently wallpapered. But, I’m not showing you that until it’s finished and we’re not quite there yet – we still need a rug and a curtain.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this tour of Maison Carole Knits. My house is old! The rooms are small and the walls and floors aren’t very straight. But it’s cozy and safe and there’s lots of love inside those rooms. If you’re ever in the neighborhood, I sure hope you’ll stop by fer real!

Comments (48)

  1. This is so sweet! Thank you for showing off your home. I love the little glimpses of other people’s lives that you get on the blogs. 🙂

  2. Wow, grrlfriend do we live in different places. Please tell me you took time to pick up and clean up before taking pictures…all the rooms look so neat!

  3. Thanks for the grand tour! Your home looks so inviting. We’ve been looking everywhere for a wrought iron bed, too. I’m being so picky about it!

  4. Thank you for the tour! Your home looks warm and cozy and inviting.

    I’d be tempted to do the same thing for my I, but for one thing, I still haven’t done H, and for another thing, the amount of cleaning I’d have to do to be able to take pix of my apt that I want to show to other people? I don’t even want to think about it!

  5. Thanks for the tour Carole. Your home looks so warm and cozy & love filled! And thanks for the invite – I’ll be sure to stop if I’m ever in the area. 🙂

  6. That’s a lot of spinning wheels! I want to have one for each room, too. 😉

    Old houses are fantastic. What they lack in modern conveniences, they make up for in charm. (Just don’t ask me about charm when I’m getting my 80-year-old furnace replaced next month.)

  7. I loved the tour. Your home is just how I thought it would be, cozy and inviting. Much like you and Dale. The extra touch of spinning wheels doesn’t hurt either 🙂

  8. yay! i love it! it is warm and inviting. i want to plop myself down on that couch and have dale serve up some beer. ha! and your quilts are beautiful.

    and i like your kitchen a lot. i would post pictures of my house but then i would need to clean 😉

  9. This is a wonderful “I.” And I can attest to the warm, loving feel of your house. Just like you and Dale. It is such a comfy place filled with things that you love that reflect your interests.

  10. Oh, thank you, Carole!! What a fabulous tour. I’ll be hangin’ in the kitchen with Dave. ; )

    Heh. What’s a straight floor?

  11. I love your house, Carole! It looks like a home. I definitely want to stop by and hang out. (Which room is the drum carder in?)

  12. Comfy, cozy and warm…exactly as I imagined it would be. Thanks for the tour. Looking forward to knocking on your door someday to say “hi”. (Isn’t the drum carder at Sharon’s?)

  13. Wow. I love what you’ve done with the place. (grin)

    I’ve been in my house for 6 years and STILL haven’t done any decorating. I stink at that.

    Next time, let’s do dinner!

  14. Great “I”, Carole … and I really like your house. The kitchen and living room in particular look like great places to hang out.

  15. Oooo, thanks for inviting me over 😉 Your house is lovely and I adore getting to see people’s homes as it gives you another view of who they are and what their tastes are.

  16. Carole, you have a beautiful home. Your quilts are gorgeous! It all looks very warm and inviting. I would have had to clean and pick for days in order to post mine. And make my bed! 😉

  17. Carole – it seems to me JUST like you to do this for the letter I!! You have got to be one of the warmest, welcoming-est knitbloggers out there!! Thanks for having all of us over to your home for a bit – what a great tour! (And I love your quilts!)

  18. Wow, you made the quilt and the drapes?!

    I really need to go learn how to use a sewing machine 😛

  19. Thank you for inviting me in! I love your house. I’m a truly crappy housekeeper, so I rarely invite anyone over unless they know me well enough that they aren’t disturbed by our chaotic pig sty. Keeps me from having to straighten up for casual visitors. Heehee.

  20. I’m pretty sure I don’t have to do this sort of post. Old news, and all.


    I love your kitchen, and I’m a big fan of Formica. I’d take it over granite any day.

  21. I am enchanted by your house (and all the quilts and the spinning wheel and the flag over the firplace and the wood stove)!

  22. Carole, thanks for the great pictures of your house. I love that it is soo full of light and memories of your family.

  23. You know, my comment was going to how cozy your home is and how obvious it is that there is love and history…and then in your last paragraph you say more or less that! Too funny.

    It’s wonderful that you have family antiques!

  24. Can you tell I am behind in my reading….LOL?

    I LOVe your house……so cozy looking (and neat)! Did you make the quilts yourself?

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