Shows up and you aren't prepared. You didn't take any photos over the weekend. You…
Weekend Sky
This was the sky at the start of the Rox game on Friday night. Grey but not rainy. However, by the middle of the 5th inning, the sky had changed and the rain had arrived. Sheets of rain, to be exact.
The field was covered in the hopes that this would turn out to be just a rain delay and not a rain cancellation. However, see how wet this kid is?
Yeah. The game was called due to the weather. And the rest of the weekend pretty much followed that path. There would be bright skies for a while and then it would rain.
I spent all afternoon Saturday watching 24 and alternating between spinning and knitting. This was the first real quality time Abigail and I have had together. We are getting to know each other but she is taking some time to adjust to her new surroundings. The orifice opening is exceptionally small and that can be frustrating for me. And occasionally the newly spun yarn doesn’t want to wind onto the bobbin. Any of you CPW owners out there that are willing to share advice, I’d love to hear it.
Sunday we had a bit of company from Brant, Heather and Ambrynn. The weather wasn’t very cooperative and we were forced indoors for most of the day but Ambrynn had fun playing with some toys and reading books and walking around. Yes, I said walking! We did manage to cook on the grill and had some of the most delicious chicken kabobs I’ve ever had. Even Ambrynn got to have some! There was also hot Italian sausage and potato salad and hamburgers and corn on the cob. We ended with pineapple upside down cake for dessert. Yumm.
When I went outside to wave goodbye to the kids I had to take a sky picture. It’s much prettier than the one from Friday and a fitting end to a great weekend – in spite of the weather.
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We had a crazy storm here this past weekend too – like a torrential downpour and then it was gone! Of course, it happened when I was driving!
Sounds like a lovely Saturday with 24 and knitting! That show is so intense though, it is sometimes hard to knit anything beyond stockinette or ribbing because you don’t want to miss the crazy action!! 🙂
Gorgeous sky photo! Yea, the weather is just so crazy this summer (global warming ?!?) You’ll hit your stride with Abigail — I’m sure of that!!
Beeeeutiful sky. I couldn’t figure out what the heck you were holding in the first picture. How could you be holding a worm;-)
Good luck with Abigail. It may take some time to get to understand each other but you’ll get there.
Isn’t that so frustrating when the yarn won’t wind on right away?! Mine does it too, makes me crazy. I was able to cut down on it by getting rid of all the rust on the flyer hooks and sanding down the flyer shaft and keeping that shaft well greased. But the flyer hooks on mine are so tiny and sharp, they catch any stray fibers and keep the yarn from winding on. At least I think sometimes that’s the problem. It can be hard to tell.
And sometimes I think the wheel’s just being a bitch.
I’m sorry your game got rained out :o(
I’m sure you’ll figure out Abigail – I wish I could help you but the one time I’ve sat down with a wheel like that it kicked my ass ;o)
It may just be a matter of getting to know Abigail. I was so used to spinning on my lendrum that when I brought my hitchhiker home it took me a couple of days to get the hang of how she worked. Good luck and what a great sky picture!
Look at you, knitting at the Rox! Too bad about being rained out. It doesn’t surprise me, though. It seems to rain all the time lately. 🙂
Beauty in your sky too. Thanks for sharing that.
Sounds like you guys managed to salvage the weekend despite the rain. And spending time with Ambrynn is always a plus 🙂
The sky photo is beautiful. 🙂 Sounds like you had a great weekend.
You and Abigail will work out the kinks in no time at all, I’m sure of it. 🙂 Just how small is the orifice? Are we talking something crazy like a quarter of an inch?
Sounds like an awesome weekend, despite the rain! And yeah on the time spent with Ambrynn and Abigail!
It sounds like a good weekend, even with the weather. And that last photo is lovely!
Sounds like a great way to spend the weekend. Gorgeous sky.
Take a look at the orifice and make sure it is smooth, without rust or burrs.
Lovely sky.
Hey, is that your Trekking sock you are holding? Are you on #2 now? I was so excited that you were attending a baseball game, only to be disappointed for you getting rained out; hardly ever happens here on the west coast! The sky is totally awesome, though! Posted a Jeep picture for you with my Saturday sky….hugs across the miles.
We had the same gray-then-rain-then-storming-then-finally (!) sunshine late on Sunday kind of a weekend. The only good thing about it was getting a lot of indoor stuff done – and not so much tourist traffic in my little shore town.
What an amazing last sky!
I have to say I love to see knitting at the ball park!
It sounds like a great weekend despite the bouts of rain. Great sky picture!
Love your sky picture. It is soo beautiful!
Too bad about the game, but it sounds like the rain gave you a great excuse for a fibery weekend.